[74]. Swimming (Kasamatsu x Reader)

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~Swimming - Kasamatsu Yukio~

Kise ran into gym, calling Kasamatsu as he held two tickets in his hand. Of course, with how noisy the yellow haired boy was, Kasamatsu hit him.

"First you come late and now you're yelling at the top of your lungs! Shut up!"

"So mean!" Kise rubbed the back of his head. "I had at a photo-shoot right after school for an hour!"

"Tch, like I care. Get training now," the captain demanded.

"But before that, I got two tickets from my manager to check out a new recreational pool with my girlfriend! But since I don't have one yet, I was wondering if you'd want them~."

Immediately knowing what the model meant, Kasamatsu blushed madly and kicked the boy, "I said get practicing!"

"Ow! B-But don't you want them?! I'm sure (Last Name) would want to check out the new pool with you!"


Training had ended and you came into the gym to pick up Kasamatsu, since the both of you live together. You were also just in time to see him chase Kise around.

You knew that Kise did something very little to annoy the short-tempered captain. You let out a soft sigh and called your boyfriend, his head immediately shot up from the familiar voice and stopped chasing Kise.

"Again, Yukio?" You sighed.

"He was being so mean to me, (Last Name)!" Kise cried as he ran over to you. "I was only trying to give him tickets to a recreation pool!"

Your eyes instantly lit up, "Tickets to a pool?"

"Yes! I was only trying to give them to Kasamatsu-senpai, so he could go there with you!" Kise explained.

After that, you accepted the tickets and persuaded Kasamatsu to come with you. It was sort of a once-in-a-life-time chance to get free tickets, and you didn't want them go to waste.

It's also been a while since you've been to the pools, so you were pretty excited, especially since you were going with Kasamatsu. Just the two of you this time.

Last time you and the brown haired captain went on a date, the five other Kaijo basketball players were spying on the both of you.

When you got home, you immediately went to your room and opened your wardrobe. You looked through every single piece of clothing, but couldn't find your swimsuit anywhere.

You cursed under your breath as you shut the doors of your wardrobe. Kise told you that the tickets were only available for tomorrow, so you didn't have a lot of time to get a new swimsuit.

It was a Saturday the next day and you called Kise, asking him if he could help you find a cute bikini to wear. You sort of wanted to tease the brown haired dork a bit.

The yellow haired model told you that he'll be right over, but first asked if Kasamatsu was there. You rolled your eyes and told the boy that Kasamatsu went out to buy some things.

Once Kise arrived, you and him left right away. Of course, you didn't forget to leave a note on the coffee table, so Kasamatsu wouldn't wonder where you were.

The whole shopping trip with Kise felt like it lasted for a year. You didn't really enjoy yourself that much, since Kise wouldn't let you pick out what you wanted to wear.

"Oh, come on, (Last Name)! It fits you perfectly and it looks really good on you, too!" Kise told you cheerfully.

"No," you said flatly. "I don't like the color. It's (Least Favorite Color), Ryota... And it doesn't feel comfortable, either."

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