[17]. Where? (Takao x Reader)

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~Where? - Takao Kazunari~

"Takao, where're we going?" you complained as he pulled you along.

It was ten minutes ago when he came to your class after school and told you he wanted to take you somewhere.

Then, he handed you a blindfold five minutes later and told you, no matter what, you couldn't look and you didn't, but you really wanted to know where Takao was taking you.

"We're almost there. Just a little longer~," he replied happily and tightened his grip on your hand as he walked. "You'll really like it, I promise!" Takao said, sounding really happy about what he was planning.

"C'mon," you mumbled as you pouted.

You didn't like surprises at all and and since it was Takao doing it, it'd probably be even worse.

"We're here," you heard takao say and then you heard him slide a door open. "Let's take this off of you."

Takao pulled it off gently and you blinked a few times, so you could adjust to the light.

When your eyes adjusted, you saw a table with cake on it. There were a few (Two Favorite Colors) balloons tied to the one leg of the table and there was a banner saying 'Happy Birthday'.

You smiled up at Takao, he was beaming with pride.

"I told you I'd remember, didn't I?" He asked you.

"Thank you so much, Kazunari. It was really sweet of you," you said, hugging him tightly and buried your face in his chest because your face was burning red.

"Anything for you, (First Name)," he replied, wrapping his arms around you and placed his chin on top of your head. "I know it isn't much, but it was the only thing I can think of at the moment," Takao whispered lightly.

"I think it's perfect," you replied.

You really did think it was perfect, since it was the first time in ages since you last celebrated your birthday. The last time you celebrated it was when you were ten and that was six years ago.

"Oh, and there's one more thing," Takao said as he pulled away from the hug and searched his pockets, "aha, found it!"

He pulled out a small black box and held it out to you.

"Your present!" He said and you took it, while blushing.

You slowly opened it and inside was a silver chain with a basketball pendant attached to it and you smiled.

"Turn it over!" He said.

You turned it over and on the back it said, '(First Name) and Kazunari Forever'.

"Put it on me?" You asked as you took it out and handed it to him.

He took the box from you and put it on the table, then he took the pendant and you turned around.

You lifted you hair up, so it would be easier for Takao. He put it on and turned you back around to him. He fixed it, so it was straight.

"I love it," you smiled and touched it softly. "This is the best birthday I've had in ages and it's thanks to you."

"I'm glad," Takao said and hugged you again, smiling. "I just want to make sure that you're always smiling."

Takao kissed your lips and you put your arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately.

"I love you," he whispered after he pulled away from the kiss.

"Love you, too," you smiled at him and kissed him again.

Takao truly did know how to make you happy and you're glad that he was your boyfriend.

Requested by Shadamynic.

Anyway, whoever's birthday's today, happy birthday~!

Up Next:

Kise x Reader (Requested)

Updated: January 10th, 2015 - Saturday

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