[16]. Gullible (Aomine x Reader)

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~Gullible - Aomine Daiki~


"I'm fine with you addressing me with '-kun', but don't call me 'Ahomine'!" The blue haired male yelled at you.

"But your last name just sounds so similar, though. I can't help but tease," you stated. "Aomine... Ahomine... Aomine... Ahomine... Aomine... Aho-."

"I get it, (First Name)! Just shut up!" He yelled at you.

"I'm hurt, Daiki. Ya yelled at a girl, much more ye'r girlfriend," you said with a hurt expression, putting your hand to your chest.

"Tch, I don't care," he said, turning away and when he turned back, tears were building from your eyes.

Aomine's eyes widened, "d-don't cry, please! The team'll kill me if I made a girl cry!" and he pulled you into a hug, patting your back.

"Daiki...," you called.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Ya fell for it again!" You exclaimed and pulled away from him, laughing hard.

"I hate you, (First Name)!" Aomine growled at you.

"I love ya, too, Ahomine-kun," you replied and pecked him on the lips just to tease him.

"Honestly, Aomine, ye'r so gullible," Imayoshi stated, walking over to the two of you.

"You knew?!"

"Yeah," Imayoshi answered.

"Tch, of course, you would. Why bother asking?"Aomine rolled his eyes.

"Well, what do ya expect from us? We're twins," Imayoshi stated. "I know most things (First Name) plans to do to ya."

Ah, didn't I mention? You and Imayoshi are twins, but you started studying at Touou in your second year, due to your parents divorce.

But your parents got back together and now you live happily with your parents and older twin brother, Imayoshi Shoichi.

(A/N: I don't even know if Imayoshi has a sibling or something. I just made it up).

"I expect the opposite! I thought the girl twin would be the nice one!" Aomine yelled.

"Nah, they would be worse than their other half," you replied.

"Man, you guys are bastards!" Aomine said.

"Nuh-uh, Ahomine. You gotta respect your elders," you said, shaking your index finger side to side.

"You ain't older than- oh, wait, damn!" He yelled. "Hey, at least I'm taller than you!"

"Ye'r a guy and it doesn't matter if ye'r taller than me, the fact still stays that I'm older than ya~."

"And you'll die before me," Aomine retorted.

"How can you say that, Daiki? That's really mean. I'm hurt... Very hurt right now," you replied with another hurt expression.

"I won't fall for it again," Aomine said and crossed his arms.

"Daiki...," you called, your voice cracking.

"I-I won't fall for it," he said, obviously trying hard not fall for it as he turned to face the other side.

"You're so mean! You don't believe your girlfriend!" You yelled at him and turned to your brother. "Onii-san!" You cried and hugged your brother.

"Aw, look what ya did, Aomine," Imayoshi said and started to pat your back.

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