[30]. The Drawing (Sakurai x Reader)

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~The Drawing - Sakurai Ryo~

Sakurai was sitting on the rooftop, while sketching. You were sitting in front of him, eating the bento he made for you.

He kept glancing at you from time to time, but you ignored it. Soon, it got annoying and you decided to sit next to Sakurai to see what he was doing.

The brown haired boy flinched and quickly closed the book.


"I'm sorry! I don't want you to see! I'm sorry!" Sakurai replied.

"Aw, please?" You begged.

"I'm sorry," he replied.

"Why not? What's so bad about me looking at it?" You questioned.

"I'll be embarrassed," Sakurai answered as a faint red color tinted his cheeks.

"Please, I'm your girlfriend, yet you don't wanna show me," you pouted.

"I'm really sorry. This is a sketch I can't show you," Sakurai replied.

"Naw, fine," you pouted.

"I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." Sakurai said. "I'll show you one day."

"Forgiven," you smiled and pecked his cheek, making him blush.

"We-We should get going. The bell is about to go," Sakurai stated and packed up his stuff.

"Yep~," you replied.

After school...

"Ryo-kun~!" You called, running over to him.

He turned and faced a panting you.

"Can we... Go out... Today?" You asked between pants.

"I'm sorry! I don't have anything planned! I'm sorry! I'm a bad boyfriend!" Sakurai apologized, bowing a billion times 90°.

"It's alright, it's alright," you said.

"Do we go now?" Sakurai questioned.

"Yep, let's go~," you said.

After the date...

"Thanks, Ryo-kun, I had a great time," you said as you and him made it to your house.

"I'm sorry that I had nothing planned! I'm sorry!"

"Ryo-kun, I told you it's fine. As long as we spend time together, it's fine," you replied.

"See you tomorrow after school, (First Name)-chan," Sakurai said and pecked your cheek, blushing.

"Why do you always blush when you kiss my cheek?" You teased, pinching his cheeks.

"I'm sorry!"

"Don't be, it's adorable," you said and hugged him.

"Good night, (First Name)-chan," Sakurai said, walking off.

"Oh, and, Ryo-kun?" You called and he turned to you. "Show me your sketch."

Sakurai didn't say anything, but he blushed and walked off.

"So cute," you said.

The next day...

Sakurai was in the classroom alone at lunch and he was just sketching while waiting for the bell to go.

A while later, Aomine came in the classroom and startled the Shooting Guard.

"A-Aomine-san!" Sakurai exclaimed, quickly closing the book and a paper slid out, but he didn't notice.

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