[55]. Do It Everyday (Hayama x Reader)

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~Do It Everyday - Hayama Kotaro~

"Wha... I don't understand this, (First Name)," the blonde pouted as you wrote down an equation for him.

"Oh, come on, Kotaro. It's easy," you said.

"It doesn't look easy at all," Hayama groaned as he slammed his head on the desk. "Is there even a 'v' or an 'e' in math?!"

"Just try and work it out, it's easy~," you repeated.

After school, you went to Hayama's house to do the homework your math teacher had set you. The both of you had finished, but you decided to tease Hayama's brain after.

You had written '120ve980' on a piece of paper and told Hayama to work out the equation.

"I really don't know, (First Name)!" The blond said, pulling at his hair in frustration. "I don't even get it!"

"Alright, alright," you laughed a little. "I'll help you out a bit. Cover the top half of it," you said.

Hayama cocked a brow and looked back at the piece of paper. He put his finger over the top half of the equation, stared at it for a while and then looked at you.

"Got it yet?" You asked.

"Um... No...," he said awkwardly and you just face-palmed.

"Look," you sighed as the boy kept his finger on the top half. "What letter does this look like?" You questioned as you pointed to the one.

It looks like an 'i'?" Hayama answered, unsure.

"Mm-hm," you nodded. "And this one?" You pointed at the two.

"An 'l'?" He answered in a questioning tone.

"Yep. Now read the whole thing by yourself," you said.

Hayama looked back at the paper and let out a huge, "ohhh!" after a while as you just chuckled.

"I love you, too, (First Name)~!" He said cheerfully, hugging you tightly as you hugged back with a smile, but then, your smile faded as you thought about something.

The next day...

You didn't go to school the next day because you had a check-up at the hospital. Hayama was worried, since you didn't tell him.

He thought that maybe you were sick, but if you were sick, you would've called him saying that you were, so your boyfriend wouldn't get worried, but you haven't.

After school had ended, the small forward walked to the gym for basketball practice. He saw that Mibuchi was the only one there at the moment.

Hayama decided to ask the black haired male about you, maybe he knew why you were absent today.

"Reo-nee~!" The energetic boy called, making Mibuchi divert his eyes from his sports bag to his teammate. "Have you seen (First Name) at all today? I'm worried about her."

"Oh, she's not here today because she's at the h-," the shooter stopped himself from saying what he was going to say.


"Because... She's at home. (First Name)'s sick," Mibuchi said, quickly thinking of an excuse.

"Eh, really? But she would've called or texted me. If she can't, then one of her parents or siblings would've told me," the snaggle-toothed boy stated. "She knows I get worried about her easily!"

"You needn't worry about (First Name) so much, Kotaro," a certain red head said as he entered the gym.

"Hello, Sei-chan~," Mibuchi greeted him. "And yeah, don't worry so much~. You can go and visit her after practice ends."

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