[65]. Just Friends (Miyaji x Reader)

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~Just Friends - Miyaji Kiyoshi~

Midorima had been invited to meet up with his former basketball teammates, to catch up about stuff, this weekend, and you've been asking him if you could come and meet them.

You've seen his teammates in his basketball matches, but never personally met them before. This weekend would be a good time to meet and get to know them.

You kept asking, but Midorima kept declining. You wondered why. Maybe it was because he was a bit protective of you, like all the other people and things he loves and cares about?

Although, you weren't a lover or a childhood friend of Midorima's, no, you were his younger sister. Yes, just like him, you have grass on your head and emeralds in your eye sockets.

Your brother was 10 years older than you. While you were in your second year of high school, he was already in his ninth year of college.

But anyway, what was so bad about meeting your brother's former teammates? It's not like they were going to do harm you or anything.

After the hundredth time asking your brother to meet his former teammates, he uttered a loud sigh. You knew he had given in and just let you meet them.

The next day...

You were in your room on your laptop, watching stuff. But suddenly, a deep voice called to you urgently. Quickly rushing out your room, you saw Midorima already ready to go.

You hesitantly questioned Midorima if the two of you were late. He rolled his eyes and said in a serious tone that he'll be waiting outside in the car.

Eating breakfast, brushing your teeth, fixing your hair, changing into your clothes; you rushed to get ready. You ran out the house once done.


It was a bit past 11am once you and Midorima arrived at the mall. The both of you were walking side by side to the food court, seeing three familiar people already there.

"Ah, Shin-chan~!" You heard a raven haired male call to your brother, waving to the both of you.

"I told you to stop calling me that, Takao," he said, an irk mark appearing on his forehead as the two of you walked over to the table.

"But we've known each other for nearly 10 years and you still haven't called me by my first name! That's why I'm not calling you by whatever na..."

Takao trailed off once he saw someone else with Midorima, a female with the same green hair and eyes, but no glasses. She seemed younger than him, too.

The former shooter looked at you and then introduced you, also telling the others that you wanted to come and meet them personally, get to know them, too.

You noticed someone was missing from the group and asked your brother where Miyaji was. He told you that he was coming later, since he had to pick up his brother first.

A while of talking to each other, Midorima, Otsubo and Kimura went to buy the food from the food court, but Midorima was hesitant to do so. He didn't want to leave you with Takao.

The raven head assured that everything will be fine and then Midorima can trust him. Your brother finally decided to leave you with him after a few minutes of Takao's persuading.

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