[45]. The Ghost Next Door (Mayuzumi x Reader)

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~The Ghost Next Door - Mayuzumi Chihiro~

One night, you were in your room sleeping soundly. After a while, you heard people yelling and screaming from the outside.

You woke up and immediately see bright orangey flames all around your bedroom.

"Are there anyone else inside?!" You heard someone yell from the outside.

"My children are still in there!" A woman yelled back; it was your mom.

"Hurry up and call the fire department!" You heard your dad scream in a panicky tone.

You breathed in some smoke and feel your lungs clog up. You coughed harshly and your vision started to blur.

You felt the whole world spin and the last thing you saw and heard, was a gray headed boy yelling, "she's in here!"

You opened your eyes, wide, as your mom called you from downstairs. You sat up and stretched.

"That was... A dream?" You questioned yourself, unsure. "It felt so real..."

You shrugged it off and go out your room, seeing your 11 year-old brother running to his room at full speed.

"Hey, hey, what's the rush?" You asked him.

"My favorite show is on! I don't wanna miss a second of it!"

"Don't you have school?"

"We got the day off~," your brother answered and ran to his room.

You shook your head and headed downstairs. You saw your mom in the kitchen with an apron on.

"Ah, (First Name), hurry up and eat. You'll be late for school," she said.

After breakfast, you got ready for school and walked out the house after saying bye to your mom.

You walked past the house next door. Every time you walk past it, you always wondered if the people living there were ghosts.

There was a boy living there. He has medium-length gray hair and an extremely blank gaze. He also looked very much like the boy in your dream, but you weren't certain of it.

You walked past the house and see someone by the window. It was him. You waved, but the male ignored you and disappeared further in the house.

You shrugged it off and continued walking to school.

At school, your 16 year-old sister told you that a new student is transferring to Rakuzan High.


"You haven't been informed?" She asked.

"No. I don't listen to stuff like these," you replied.

"Oh. But anyway, his name is Mayuzumi Chihiro."

Your eyes widen in shock when you heard 'Chihiro.' That was the boy's name, the one living next door to you.

You knew his name because you sometimes heard his parents scream 'Chihiro.'

"What's wrong?" Your sister asked.

"Oh. It's just that, the guy transferring to this school... Uh, he's that guy," you stated.

"What?! The ghost living next to us?!" Your sister screamed in surprise.

"H-Hey, be quiet about that. I don't even know if he's a ghost or not," you said.

"I dare you to approach him," your sister smirked.

"Huh? B-But-."

"You said so yourself, you don't know if he's a ghost or not, so go and approach him," your sister smirked once more.

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