[64]. Sleeping Beauty (Haizaki x Reader)

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~Sleeping Beauty - Haizaki Shogo~

"Once upon a time..."


You walked out of the school grounds, feeling relieved. You were in college and you finally graduated after (Number) years later.

You headed straight back home to rest after the long day you had. Once you opened the door to your house, you immediately saw that the living room was a mess.

You knew exactly who caused this.

You heard rapid footsteps coming down the stairs and see two animals. The bigger one was chasing the smaller one as it had a small, clear bag with what looked like socks in them.

The smaller animal quickly ran toward you and his behind your legs, whimpering as it poked its head out. The bigger one groaned as he saw you.

"You really are an animal, Shogo," you glared at him. "The first thing I see after graduating from college is that my house is a huge mess. Great surprise for me, huh?" You said sarcastically.

"Oh, you graduated, congrats," he said casually.

"Gee, thanks," you sighed then demanded the male to clean up the living room.

"But I'm tired! That little f*cker stole the bag of socks from my bed and I had to chase him everywhere for the last two hours!"

"This 'little fvcker' has a name, use it," you stated, kneeling down and patted the dog's head. "And anyway, you should've just gotten another pair of socks, instead of chasing (Dog's Name) and creating a mess."

"They're not mine, they're my girlfriend's, idiot. She told me to buy her socks, since she was busy or whatever."

You groaned, "My living room's always a mess... Why're you living with me most of the time, anyway? I'm not your girlfriend," you said.

You grabbed the bag of socks from your dog's mouth and then threw them at Haizaki, he caught it. You walked over to the couch and slumped down on it.

"I already know that. But I told you a billion times, why can't you just get it through your thick skull?" Haizaki leaned over the couch and flicked your forehead.

Why can't you get it through your 'thick skull'? Oh, because it was a dumb reason.

You found out Haizaki had a crush on you since meeting you in middle school, but you didn't really like him. The reason for that was simple as.

He was a player.

After meeting the ash haired, he was the one that brought you two closer. It was pain having to deal with him for more than 6 years of your life, but it was still pretty alright at times.

People assumed you and him were dating because of how close you two are. You hit them on the back when they assumed that. There was no way you would ever date someone like Haizaki.

On your first year of college, he moved in with you. You didn't really give a shit if he did or didn't, since you were living alone with your dog and your parents overseas.

The guy had a girlfriend; he's been dating her for nearly a month now. Although Haizaki only dated her because she was hot af or something, you weren't really listening to what he said.

His girlfriend had her own apartment, but he doesn't really stay with her. He visited you often and most of the time, ended up sleeping over.

You told Haizaki to just break up with his current girlfriend, since he told you his feelings for her aren't as strong as they are for you. Yeah, he had feelings for the both of you.

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