[69]. Kisses (Akashi x Reader)

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~Kisses - Akashi Seijuro~

Eskimo kiss - to show affection to or with kids.

It was a cold, winter-y day. The two 8 year-olds sat inside the blanket fort the both of them made. The two of them had blankets wrapped around each of their bodies to keep them warm.

You were watching the snowflakes fall from the window as Akashi watched stuff on the laptop. Your gaze turned back to the red head and you started complaining about how cold it was.

Even though the both of you were in a blanket fort, had blankets wrapped around each of you, and even having the heater on, you still felt cold.

In an annoyed tone, Akashi told you to stop complaining and just get over it. You frowned, you couldn't help that you were sensitive to the cold, guess you just had to deal with it...

You were literally shivering your pants off and curled into a ball, hugging your legs. You tried not to mind the cold and paid your attention to the episode you and Akashi were watching.

After the episode had finished, the young boy took your blanket off you and wrapped his blanket around the both of you. He faced you as he had one of his arms around you.

You looked at him, confused at this sudden act. Akashi suddenly pressed his nose against yours and rubbed it back and forth. You pulled your head back and blushed madly, asking why he did that.

"Eskimos live in a cold country, right? So they give each other Eskimo kisses to keep each other warm, or maybe it only for greeting?" He wondered and you only smacked him on the back, still blushing.

"Don't do it so suddenly, though!" You yelled at him as he started laughing.


Kiss on the hand - may be done after not seeing each other for a while, also an act of respect, kindness and adoration.

It had been a while since you were in Japan. You've been traveling around the world for 3 years already. You started at the age of 14 and you were now 17.

Ever since the talent competition in middle school, a couple of people in the audience had offered you to do an around-the-world-concert with them. You had such an amazing singing voice, they said.

You've been to so many countries during the 3 years, now you were finally back in Japan for your final performance of the year. Then after that, you would continue finishing high school in Japan.

You finished your final performance and everyone gave you a huge applause. After that, the lights flickered back on and everyone stood up as they left the building.

You walked out the building once everyone was gone. As you were walking, and waited for your ride to pick you up, a well-dressed man approached you.

You predicted what he was going to say and readied to put on a fake smile to accept his compliment. You weren't easily persuaded by compliments anymore, especially ones that came from young men, such as himself.

"Your performance today was simply wonderful. You have such an amazing singing voice. You're lucky you were blessed with such a talent, not needing to practice as much as others."

Your mouth gaped open a bit, surprised at how he knew that you had a natural-born singing talent. Not many people believed that, you were surprised this man did.

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