[31]. Naive in Love (Kasamatsu x Reader)

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~Naive in Love - Kasamatsu Yukio~

You and Kasamatsu were childhood friends and you were always together; you were inseparable.

The bad times, the good times, the hard times, the happy times, the sad times and the worse times, you and him were always there for each other.

Every time you were around him, your heart would beat faster, and so did his. Every time you touch, you get this feeling, and so did he. The two of you never understood that feeling.

When you were younger, you would always follow him around wherever he goes. Heck, your parents and his even bought a house and you and his family moved into that one big house.

You and him shared a room and slept on the same bed. Even now you still shared a room and a bed.

You and Kasamatsu did everything together. There wasn't a time when you weren't with him.

You were the only girl that he wouldn't be nervous around.

You went to the same school as your childhood friend, Kaijo High, as a second year, while he was a third year.

"Yukio!" You called to the Point Guard, running over to him, who was sweating like crazy from his training.

"Yeah?" He answered and squirted water in his mouth.

"Wanna hang out today?" You asked cheerfully.

"Hm? Sure," he smiled at you.

"(First Name)-chan, how are you? You're looking so pretty today!" Kise complimented and then hugged you from behind.

"Hands off, Kise! I'll hit you!" Kasamatsu yelled at him and hit the poor model.

"But you already did!" Kise whined as he let go off you and rubbed his head.

"I don't care! Don't touch her!" Kasamatsu said.

Since being your childhood friend, Kasamatsu was really protective of you, especially since Kise was always clinging to you every single damn day of your school life.

You didn't mind if Kise always hugged you. He was actually your best friend and Kasamatsu didn't mind either, but hugging you was going way too far... For him.

"Why're you dating him, (First Name)-chan?" Kise whined with a pout. "Why not me?!"

"Ryota, I don't even like you. You're nothing more but my best friend," you sweat dropped.

"I've been best friend-zoned!" Kise faked cried.

"And Yukio and I aren't even dating. We just hang out a lot," you stated.

"Hmm, okay~," Kise said. "Say whatever you like, (First Name)-chan~," Kise said mockingly.

"Ryota," you growled.

"But remember what you told me about- Mmph!" You interrupted Kise as you put your hand over his mouth.

"Are you done with training, Yukio?" You questioned.

"Uh, yeah," he answered. "Lemme just change."

"Okay. I'll wait outside," you said and walked off, while Kise followed you.

When you and Kise made it out the gym, he questioned, "(First Name)-chan, do you like Kasamatsu-senpai?"

"What, no. He's just a close friend, I told you," you answered.

"But a long time ago, you told me something," Kise stated.

"Kise-kun, I wanna ask you something," You said.

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