[57]. Perfect Two (Akashi x Reader)

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~Perfect Two - Akashi Seijuro~

You were at the basketball court near your house and you were shooting hoops with your younger brother.

When your younger brother shot, the ball bounced off from the ring and into a tree of a house. It didn't really look like a house, though. It was more like a mansion.

You and your younger brother ran to the house. Although there was a gate, so you couldn't get the ball. You saw that the gate wasn't locked, so you carefully opened it.

"Onee-chan, wait! We'll get in trouble!" Your younger brother exclaimed, warning you as he put a hand to your wrist.

"It's okay, we're just getting a ball. There's no harm doing something like that," you replied.

"B-But we're trespassing!"

"You stay out here, then. I'll go get the ball," you sighed and then opened the gate, sneaking in.

Your brother was about to say something, but you had already walked in. You walked over to the tree where you saw your ball fall in and saw that it was stuck in the tree.

You looked around for a stick, but there weren't any. Now that you realize it, the place was really clean.

There were no rocks, leaves, sticks or stones on the ground. When there was, it was used for something useful, like decoration, other than lying on the floor.

You looked up and saw that you could reach the branch the ball was stuck on, so you grabbed it and shook the branch, hoping the ball would fall.

The ball still hadn't fallen, so you kept shaking it, until you felt something tap your shoulder.

You let go of the branch and turned around, seeing a red haired boy who looked younger than you, about 8 years old, behind you.

"Ah!" You exclaimed, jumping back a bit. "Hey, you're..."

"... Akashi Seijuro? I am," the boy said politely. "You're (Last Name/First Name), right?" He questioned.

"Ah, yeah, how'd you know?"

"I've seen you around school before and I take you've seen me around school, as well?"

"Well, I mean, you're easy to spot. You've got abnormal red hair," you stated. "There'd be no way anyone wouldn't see you."

"That's true. By the way, you know that you're trespassing in the Akashi household, right? No-one let you in," the male stated.

"E-Eh...? This is where you live?!" You asked, quite shocked. "I-I knew you came from a well-off family, but I didn't think... I didn't think you were this rich! This place is amazing!"

"I guess so. (Last Name)-san, why're you here?" Akashi questioned.

"Ah, my younger brother and I were playing basketball, until the ball bounced into this tree," you explained, pointing up to where the ball was.

"I'll go get my mother to help you get that down," he smiled and then ran off.

The read head came back not long after, with a young, brown haired woman, holding a large pole in her hand.

"(Last Name/First Name)?" The woman called and walked closer to you. "You are! Aw, you're so pretty! I can see why Seijuro l-."

"Mother!" The red head yelled at her before she could say anything else.

"Alright, alright," she chuckled.

"What is it?" You asked.

"It's nothing, Seijuro can tell you himself. Anyway, let's get this ball down," the brown haired woman said, using the pole to poke the ball down as her son glared at her.

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