[25]. You're Mine Got That? (Wakamatsu x Reader)

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~You're Mine, Got That? - Wakamatsu Kosuke~

You stretched your arms out tiredly as you walked to the gym. It was noisy, since Wakamatsu was telling at something Aomine did.

You walked to the gym, wondering if you should leave or calm the idiot down, until Sakurai looked at you.

"I'm-I'm sorry, (Last Name)-san!" Sakurai bowed down 90°. "It's my entire fault that he's mad!"

You chuckle lightly and patted the apologetic mushroom's head after he stood straight. You skipped over to Wakamatsu and tapped him on the shoulder. You smiled up at him.

"If you keep this up, you'll be late for our date, Kosuke," you stated.

You were completely used to his anger issues, since he's always been like this, but it had gotten worse, since Aomine joined the team.

Wakamatsu glanced down at you, but kept on going about Aomine being a selfish brat and not being a good team player (A/N: not that they use teamwork anyway...)

You started to get a little annoyed, so you brought your foot up and kicked him on the shin, then watched him as he grabbed his newly bruised leg and held it tight.

"Why the hell would you do that?" He grumbled, cursing lightly under his breath.

"'Cause we have a date and you promised to be ready after my (Favorite Sport) club's meeting," you answered him with a bright smile. "You better get ready now."

Wakamatsu went out to the locker room and quickly changed.

Imayoshi placed his large hand on your head and smirked, "you ought to make him a bit happier, so that he'll be less pissed for tomorrow's game, eh?"

You nodded your head and quietly giggle as Wakamatsu came back and gave Imayoshi a cold glare.

Imayoshi chuckled and walked off to practice more and Wakamatsu led you away by dragging you out the gym.

"That bastard's always touching you," Wakamatsu stated with a bit of jealousy in his voice. "I don't like it."

You and him walked, while his head was looking down with one hand intertwined with yours and the other in his pocket.

"He was only talking to me," you said, leaning against him as you went to (Favorite Restaurant) for dinner. "Anyway, he doesn't always do that. That would be creepy and you know it."

"Even once or twice would be too much," Wakamatsu said, obviously jealous. "You're mine, got that? He needs to remember that."

"You let the whole world know who I belong to, so don't worry," you said, making your blonde boyfriend blush and cast his glance at the ground again. "Anyway, there isn't anyone I would rather be with."

"I guess I'm lucky," he mumbled.

Evey time Wakamatsu got mad, he'd be like this to you afterward, mainly because he didn't want you seeing him like this.

"Very lucky. Any normal girl wouldn't stay by your side," you teased.

"Hm, then why do you?" Wakamatsu asked as his dark eyes narrowed down to you with a slight smirk on his face.

"Somehow, I fell in love with an idiot and got used to his stupidity," you answered and he chuckled, pulling you close to him.

"I don't know if I want dinner anymore," Wakamatsu whispered lightly in your ear. "We could always go for something a little more fun."

"I-Idiot, you really shouldn't say that to a woman," you scolded while blushing and he slipped his arm around your waist like he didn't say anything wrong.

"You know you'd rather~," he said seductively.

You quickly kissed him; knowing that if he continued, you would've died of embarrassment. You smirked in the kiss and then Wakamatsu kissed you back fiercely.

"You know it's decided now, right?" He whispered in your lips and picked you off the ground swiftly.

Your eyes widened and you gripped his shirt, "I hate you," you mumbled.

After that, Wakamatsu quickly kissed you, sweet and passionate.

"I love you, too," he said, smirking and walked you to his home with you in his arms.

Extended Ending:

The next day...

"Wakamatsu-san, where's (Last Name)-san?" Sakurai questioned as the team made their way to their bench.


"Didn't you say that she was gonna watch?" Imayoshi asked. "I don't see her anywhere."

"About that, instead going to dinner...," Wakamatsu explained what happened last night and scratched the back of his head.

"You shouldn't have done it before the game," Imayoshi sighed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. It's (First Name) who isn't," Wakamatsu answered.

Meanwhile with you...

"Sh*t, I can't even get up," you said as you laid on Wakamatsu's bed in pain.

Your phone rang and you looked at the caller ID. It was Wakamatsu.

"(First Name), how are you-?"

"F*ck you, Kosuke! I can't even get up! I hope you lose your game today!" You yelled at him over the phone with rage.

"Hey, I said I was so-."

"Shut the hell up! You're an idiot! I said to slow down!" You yelled at him.

"(First Na-."

"I hope you lose your game today, you bastard!" with that, you hanged up.


Aomine snickered and asked, "did she break up with you?"

"No, she didn't, Ahomine!" Wakamatsu answered.

"What happened?" Imayoshi questioned.

"She said, "hope you lose your game today!'," Wakamatsu answered.

Touou Academy was versing a strong team and they nearly lost, nearly. The scores were 103-102.

Wakamatsu called you and you answered it.

"What do you want?" You hissed at him over the phone.

"Just called to say that we won. It was a close game with a score of 103-102."

"I don't f*cking care, you bastard," you replied and hanged up.

Up Next:

Murasakibara x Reader (Requested)

Updated: January 16th, 2015 - Friday

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