[8]. Sweet Kiss (Murasakibara x Reader)

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~Sweet Kiss - Murasakibara Atsushi~

"(First Name)-chin...," Murasakibara called.

"What is it?" You asked as you swung your chair around to face the tall male on the bed.

"I'm hungry... Get me some candy...," he said and his stomach growled.

"No," you replied.

"But I don't feel good and I'm hungry," Murasakibara stated.

"Candy and chocolate was the reason why your stomach hurts. It's not because you're hungry, Atsushi," you explained.

"But I'm hungry!" He whined like a child.

You sighed and walked out the room.

You came back with fruit; oranges, watermelon ad strawberries.

"Here," you said and handed him the fruit.

"I don't wanna eat fruit," he said.

"Just pretend it's snacks, but more... Fruity?" You said, unsure (A/N: nah, the author's unsure not you) and put the bowl of fruit next to him.

"I don't wanna eat fruit," he repeated.

"Geez, Atsushi, you're so stubborn," you said and sat down on the bed.

"I want snacks," he pouted.


And pouted...


And pouted...

"I said 'no'!"

And pouted, until you gave in because you found it annoying, not because you couldn't resist.

"Just one, but you have to eat fruit, ok?" You asked and he nodded.

You walked to your drawer and took out cotton candy. You walked over to him and Murasakibara tried to grab it.

"Uh-uh. Fruit first," you said and he pouted.


And pouted...

"S-Stop pouting!" You cried.

And pouted...

Then you got an idea.

"Alright, I'll give it to you," you said and opened the packet. "But you gotta close your eyes." and he did.

You smirked and put the cotton candy down. You took a watermelon and said to him, "open your mouth." and he complied.

You put the watermelon in his mouth and he started chewing, but then his pace of chewing slowed down and spat the watermelon in the bowl.

"Atsushi, that's disgusting!" You exclaimed.

"I don't want fruit!" Murasakibara repeated.

"You should've just swallowed it! That was disgusting!" You repeated.

"I want snacks."

"I'm not giving you any snacks until you eat your fruit," you said.

"You're not my mom, (First Name)-chin," Murasakibara stated.

"But I'll be your future wife!"

Murasakibara just stared at you and then you realized what you just said and blushed.

You took the cotton candy from the bed and turned around and sat back down on your chair to do your homework.

"Wife?" Murasakibara asked.

"I-I didn't say anything, Atsushi," you replied.

"Ok~ay," he shrugged it off.

You felt hungry and started to eat the cotton candy.

"(First Name)-chin," Murasakibara called. "Gimme some."

"No. You need fruit. You said you'd rather eat fruit than vegetables," you stated.

"And I'd rather eat cotton candy than fruit," Murasakibara retorted.

"And I keep telling you 'no'," you said.

"(First Name)-chin, my stomach's starting to hurt again...," Atsushi stated.

"Fruit. Now," you said.

"I want snacks."

"I'll eat all of this if you don't eat the fruit," you threatened, shaking the packet of cotton candy around.

"No, don't...!" Murasakibara cried and you just smirked.

You just sat there and did your homework.

"I'm hungry, but fruit is disgusting," Murasakibara stated mentally and quietly sat up.

He quietly walked over to you and looked at what you're doing.

You didn't even notice him because you were too busy with your homework.

Suddenly, you saw the packet of cotton candy sliding away as turned to see the tall male sneaking it.

"Atsushi!" You said in a scolding tone as he raised his arm and you jumped up.

When you jumped, Murasakibara leaned his head down and pecked your lips.

"Sweet kiss~," Murasakibara said.

You put your hand to your lips and you felt blood rushing to your face.

"Can I have more? I think I'd rather have your sweet kiss than cotton candy," the purple male stated and crashed his lips into yours.

"He hasn't been eating and sweets these past few days, but his lips taste like sweets! What the hell is this!? Is he just naturally... Sweet!?" You asked yourself mentally.

"I love you, (First Name)-chin."

"I-I love you, too, A-Atsushi," you stuttered to reply and then he hugged you and pecked you on the lips.

"Sweet kiss~."

January 2nd, 2015 - Friday

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