•ill love you till the end of time

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"Are we gonna name all of our kids after constellations?"

You sat in the back of DADA with Draco, last night's activities had been rather fun

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You sat in the back of DADA with Draco, last night's activities had been rather fun. You had your Slytherin robes on, making sure they where hiding any marks on your neck or chest. You shot Draco a glare as he tugged in your robes, your eyes narrow.

"Don't make me kill you." You glared.

Draco snickered "You could never." He said.

Before you could say anything else, the high pitched and too cheery voice of Umbridge spoke "You will please copy the approved text four times... to ensure maximum retention. There will be no need to talk."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes, as she looked at you and Draco specifically. "Oh bite me bitch." You growled lowly, Draco reached over squeezing your thigh.

"Don't." He hissed.


You walked outside towards 'Care For Magical Creatures' with Draco, you where fuming. Umbridge had caught notice of your hickeys, and made you take of your robes so she could see the marks more. She then made you stand in front of the class, lecturing you. This resulted you snapping at her, which ended with a detention. The reason behind this? She simply hates you and Harry.

"I'll kill her!" You snarled, walking down the hill.

"Y/n, you need to calm down." Draco said softly.

"No!" You shouted, "She had no bloody right!"

Drack moved and stood in front of you, placing his hands on your shoulders. "Darling, calm down before yoy make something explode." He said once more, "Deep breath in, then out."

You took a deep breath in, and a breath out. You sighed "The audacity." You mumbled, "I hope the bitch dies."

"Okay clearly that didn't help." Draco groaned.

"OF COURSE IT DIDN'T!" You shouted, you sighed and ran your hands down your face. "I'm sorry." You breathed.

Draco moved your hands away from your face "It's fine Y/n." He said softly, he cupped your face and pressed a kissed to your lips.

It was soft, and passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and smiled happily. Draco's hands moved from your face, and down to your lower back. He pulled away from the kiss, pressing his forehead to yours.

"Wanna skip class?" He asked, "Just spend some time, the two of us?"

You smiled "We still have that date later." You hummed

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