•another dumb plan

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"My acting."

"This is stupid

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"This is stupid...." You mumbled, walking towards Umbridge's office.

"Does your brother always have dumb ideas?" Draco askes.

"Unfortunately, this one though is the dumbest by far." You growled.

Turns out, Umbridge was only letting fifth year Slytherin's in on the industrial squad. Or as you liked to call it, 'I'm a kiss ass for Umbitch'. And Harry of course had the dumbest idea known to wizard, he wanted You, Kaydence, and Draco to join the squad. Acting like an inside man. Of course Kaydence said she'd rather jump off the Astronomy tower, so it was up to you and Draco.

"I'm gonna kill him." You grumbled, shaking your head. "Are we sure this is even going to work, she hates me. Loathes me."

Draco grabs your and and squeezes it "Calm down Y/n." He said.

"I can't do this, I might snap at the bitch." You hissed, walking through the halls.

"Y/n, I'm sure you can act like you don't hate her." Draco said, "I've seen you handle a lot of situations, remember that fifth year boy?" He said talking about that time in first year.

You glared at him "That kid shouldn't have fucked with me." You grumbled.

Draco placed his hand on your lower back "Well it was brilliant."

flashback to year 1

You and Kaydence walked in the halls, books in hand. The two of you where chatting about your classes, and well boys as well making sure to be quite about the boys part so no one would hear. It was free period, so the two of you where walking to the library to read up on a few things.

"What do you wanna read up on Y/n?" Kaydence questioned.

"Just a few things in Potions, and Transfiguration." You answered, shrugging.

"Why potions?" Kaydence asked, "Your top of our class, even passed Malfoy and Hermione." She said.

You rolled your eyes "So?" You asked, "Doesn't mean anything, plus I think Snape is just giving me extra points cause im his favorite." You said.

It was true, Snape seemed to favor you over the rest of his students. He definitely treated you better than your twin, Harry. It was odd and confusing, but amusing. Suddenly, a fifth year Slytherin bumped into you causing your books to fly from your hand. You glared up at the boy, a firy anger flaring through you.

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