•Aragog & into the chamber.

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"I think thats a good thing"

"Come on!" Harry exclaimed, exiting the hut

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"Come on!" Harry exclaimed, exiting the hut. Fang was at his side, as he held up the lantern.

Both Draco and Ron following behind, "What?!" Ron exclaimed.

"Did you not hear Hagrid?" Draco asked, rasing a brow.

"Yeah you heard what Hagrid said; ‘Follow the spiders.’" Harry said.

"They’re headed to the Dark Forest!" Ron exclaimed, "Why spiders! Why couldn’t it be 'follow the butterflies?'" He whined.

Draco didn't comment on the way he was acting, cause hell Draco didn't want to go in the forest either. But he was going to anyways.


"Harry, I don’t like this… Harry, I don’t like this at all!" Ron whimpered.

"Oh for the love of-" Draco sighed, "Calm down, Weasley." He said.

The three had been walking for a while now, following after the little eight legged creatures. Most of the time, Draco was lost to his thoughts. The three walked through a tunnel, following the large crowd of spiders. Draco looked around, making sure none got into his hair. While Ron was of course, practically crying.

"Can we go back now?" Ron asked, lookimg around wildly.

The three had just entered a large clearing, it was full of small and large spider webs. Draco frowned, he hated everything about this.

"Come on!" Harry said, walking forward.

"Who is it?" A deep voice rasped.

Dracos eyes widened, and Ron whimpered terrified. A large spider, cralwled out of a small cave like thing. Draco's eyes widened when he realized what it was, it was an Acromantula. He remembered how you spoke about the creepy creature, his eyes widened fearfully. Draco almost tucked tail, and ran. But then he remembered, that you wouldn't want that. He let out a deep and shaky breath, and stood his ground.

"Don’t panic." Harry whispered.

"Hagrid? Is that you?" The voice asked.

"We’re friends of Hagrid’s. And you? Y- y-you’re Aragog aren’t you?" Harry stuttered.

"Yes. Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before." Aragog rasped.

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