•the vanishing glass and letters

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"Bite me old man."

Rapid knocks that kept repeating where what woke you, you let out a groan hearing your Aunt's glass shattering voice. "Up. Get up." She said, more knocking "Now!" She shouted.

You let out a growl and peel open your eyes, just as your brother turned on the light. You winced and sat up in the bed you shared, rubbing your tired e/c eyes "Morning Harry." You mumbled.

"Morning Y/n." Harry responded, probably equally annoyed as you.

You hear loud thuds from the stairs above you, which could only mean that Dudley was stomping his was down the stairs. There was a pause to his thudding, right before it went back up stopping about yours and Harry's head.

"Wake up, cousins! We're going to the zoo!" Dudley exclaimed.

You practically growled as the dust from the plaster fell around you and Harry, you looked to your almost identical brother and frowned.

"He's a stupid arse." You grumbled.

Harry chuckled lightly "I can agree with you there." He said.

The both of you quickly changed and made yourselves at least look as presentable as you could, you fixed your h/l h/c hair. You touched the lightning scar on your forehead and frowned deeply, everyday this was just a reminder of what happened to your parents. Bloody car crash took everything from both you and Harry, and your reminded each day.

You and Harry exit the shared closet, Aunt Petunia looks over at you and Harry and unpleasant look on her face. "Why don't you just cook the breakfast, and try not to burn anything." She sneered.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia." Harry said, obediently.

You went to say something, but Harry was quick to stop you. He pulled you away and into the kitchen, you knew the conciousness of talking back. No food for at least a week, you where glad Harry stopped you. You didn't want to suffer through that again, one of the worst weeks ever.

"I hate this family." You mumbled, as you helped Harry prepare breakfast.

"I know, I do too." Harry said.

You sighed "I wish we could be free." We whisper.

"Hurry up! Bring my coffee, girl!" Vernon shouts.

You growled and poured his cup of coffee "Oh bite me you arse." You mumbled.

You walked out of the kitchen as Harry prepared the plates, you walked into the family room. And handed Vernon his coffee, which you wished had rat posin in. "Aren’t they wonderful, darling?" Petunia asked.

bite me (draco malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now