•get ready....

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"Get out of my head you blad fuck!"

Y/n and Harry walked together with Ginny, and others

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Y/n and Harry walked together with Ginny, and others. Snape, had summoned all students to the great hall. Y/n had to throw on Gryffindor robes, which she wasn't very happy about. As Y/n followed the others, she kept her head down. They entered the great hall, and stayed in formation. Y/n kept her head low, as she stood next to Harry.

In the corner of her eye, she watched as Snape walked by. His robes flowing behind him. Once he got to the front, he turned to look at the students.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour." Snape said, "It's come to my attention, that earlier this evening...Y/n and Harry Potter where sighted in Hogsmead."

Y/n glanced up at the man, angrily. Murmurs ran through the hall, and everyone looked around.

"Now, should anyone...student or staff, attempt to aid the Plotters...They will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression." Snape said emotionless, "Furthermore...any person found to have knowledge of these events...who fails to come forward...will be treated as...equally guilty." He said.

Y/n wanted to groan 'The fucking pauses, jesus christ.' She thought.

"Now then...if anyone here has any knowledge of the Potters movements this evening..."Snape said, walking forward "...I invite them to step forward..." He stopped.

Y/n waited for someone to walk forward. Y/n smirked triumphantly, and glanced at Harry. Snape waited, expecting someone to step forward. Y/n took this opportunity to step out of the crowd, and glare at the headmaster. Harry following. At the sight of the twins, several people gasped in shock.

"Y'know Snape, I think I might know where the Potters are." Y/n said grinning.

"It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a but of a security problem, headmaster." Harry said, jumping in. Y/n heard the doors to the hall open, and she knew that the Order had arrived.

"Kinda sucks doesn't?" Y/n taunted, "All of you dumb bastards, couldn't find a couple of clumsy kids." She said snickering.

"How dare you stand where he stood!" Harry said, "Tell them how it happened thay night!" He shouted.

"Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you. A man who begged for his life, and killed him!" Y/n shouted, taking a step forward.

"Tell them!" Harry shouted.

Snape went to pull out his wand, and went to cast a spell. But before he could get the chance, Professor Mcgonagall practically shoved Y/n and Harry out of the way. Y/n stumbled in shock, almost falling. But Harry caught her.

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