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"You should go with your girlfriend, before her head explodes."

You and Kaydence sat together in Transfiguration class, Professor Mcgonagall sat in her animagus form on her desk

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You and Kaydence sat together in Transfiguration class, Professor Mcgonagall sat in her animagus form on her desk. Kaydence had been explaining to you things about the wizarding world, turns out she was a pure-blood which ment all her family where witches or wizards. And she explained how you and Harry are half-blood, meaning one parent was a witch or wizard and the other was a muggle. Suddenly the doors burst open, and Harry and Ron came running in.

"Whew, we made it. Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron said.

You winced "Oh boy." You murmured.

Professor Mcgonagall jumps off the desk before shifting back to her normal self, both Ron and Harry stare up at her in amazement. "That was bloody brilliant." Ron said.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocketwatch, that way one of you might be on time." Mcgonagall said.

"We got lost." Harry said.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." Mcgonagall said.

Both Harry and Ron quickly took their seats, you looked to your brother and met his gaze smiling. Behind Draco and his goons where snickering, you glared back at him. He looked over meeting your gaze "What?" He asked.

You rolled your eyes "Nothing." You grumbled, looking back to the front of the class.


Later on you sat in Snape's class, not only was he your potions teacher but he was head of Slytherin. You sat in between Draco and Kaydence, you and Kaydence where chatting away getting to know each other better. While Draco was desperately trying to get your attention for some reason, finally you sighed and looked over at him.

"What is it, Malfoy?" You asked.

"Just wanted to say hello." He said, smirking.

You rolled your eyes and looked away, you noticed Ron staring at you ans you smiled waving at him. He quickly turned away, but before he did you noticed the pink tinted on his cheeks.

Just then the door burst in, and in walked Professor Snape "There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class." He said, his voice monotone. He stopped at his desk and looked back at all of you "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few..." He said, his eyes moving between you and Draco.

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