•research & and bullies

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"It explains the conga line."

You had gotten an early start, today was a quidditch game but you didn't care

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You had gotten an early start, today was a quidditch game but you didn't care. Hermione decided to invite you to the library, she wanted to figure out if she could find out what the monster in the chamber was. Currently you sat in the courtyard, the two of you where meeting up after lunch. Jack sat beside you, a book in his lap the same with you. Suddenly, both your books where smacked out of your hands. You looked up to see none other than Pansy Parkinson, and her gang of britches.

You glared at her with a firey look in your eyes "What in the hell do you want?" You snarled.

Pansy smirked "Just wondering, why in the world Draco would ever be friends with someone like you." She said, "I mean, seriously. You hang out with mudbloods, like this disgusting Ravenclaw here."

You stood up abruptly, the two of you where centimetres away from each other. "You better chose your next words carefully Parkinson, you really don't wanna piss me off more." You growled.

Pansy just smirked "What are you gonna do?" She asked, "Gonna go tell your brother to help stick up for you?" She asked in a baby voice. She gasped "Oh thats right, your filthy half-blood brother doesn't even care about you."

Tears welled up in your eyes, and your heart hurt. No matter if Harry hated you or not, you'd always stand up for him. You roughly shoved Pansy back, causing ger to stumble back eyes wide.

"You filthy half-blood." She snarled, pulling out her wand.

You looked to Jack, who looked terrified. "Jack, go find Kaydence." You said softly.

The boy quickly nodded his head, and scrambled away terrified. Pansy scoffed "And you say i'm pathetic." She said, "You will always need your beloved Kaydence hmm?"

"No, I just said to find her not to bring her here. You daft bimbo." You snarled.

"Bimbo?!" Pansy screeched.

You crossed your arms "Yeah, you heard me." You sneered.

And that was her breaking point, Pansy lunged at you tackling you to the ground. You tried pushing her off you, but she was too damn heavy. Everyone around had noticed the commotion, and had now formed a circle around the two of you. Most of them where cheering for you, while a few others rooted for Pansy. Since she was on top of you, you had thhe sightest advantage. You brought your knee up harshly, and connected it with her stomach.

This caused her to yelp in pain, and roll off you. You pushed yourself up, and glared at her. Pansy had managed to scratch your neck up, as she tried to murder you or whatever it was that she tried. Suddenly Mcgonagall pushed her way through the crowd, and as she did Pansy had stood.

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