•the quidditch world cup disaster

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"I'll talk to her however the hell I please, especially if it's someone trying to steal my boyfriend."

An old man lights a gas oven with a match, he is preparing food

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An old man lights a gas oven with a match, he is preparing food. He notices a light on in the large house opposite, he stops what he's doing and walks to the door.

"Bloody kids..." The man grumbled bitterly.

He leaves the house and heads towards the light, he walks through the foggy area. He soon approached the old and large house, a torch in hand. He opens the front door, inside is just as dark. He begins climbing the stairs,  whispers and hushed voices come from upstairs. The old man waits outside the room where the conversation is taking place and listens on.

"Oh no no no my Lord Voldemort. I only meant... perhaps if we were to do it without the boy and girl.." A voice said.

"NO! The boy and girl are everything, it cannot be done without them and it WILL be done exactly as I say." A raspy voice said, sounding angry. The larger man that stood in front of him, cowered back terrified.

"I will not disappoint you my lord." A different man said, he was crouched in front of a chair.

"Good. First, gather our old comrades. Send them a sign." The voice rasped, "Nagini tells me the old muggle caretaker is standing outside the door." The same voice rasped.

The larger man stands in the doorway and looks at the old man. The old man looks at him terrified, as he stumbles back.

"Step aside Wormtail so I can give our guest a proper greeting." The voice rasped, the man moved out of the way
"Avada Kedavra!" The voice rasped. A bright green light shot at the man, and he fell to the floor with a thud.


You gasped awake, eyes wide. Sweat fell from your face and neck, and you could feel a sharp stinging pain in your scar. You where breathing heavily, and your heart was racing. A groan sounded from behind you, and you looked over seeing Draco as he stirred awake.

"Y/n?" He questioned tiredly, his voice raspy and slightly deep.

"I-im sorry, d-did I wake you?" You questioned.

"I mean yeah...." He mumbled, he wrapped his arms around you pulling you back down. "Did you have another nightmare?" He asked, rubbing your back.

You nodded "Y-yeah, another one about Voldemort." You murmured, holding on tightly to Draco.

"Shhh, it's okay." He whispered, "Go back to sleep. I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

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