•stress relief

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"Don't tease me."

Once again another smut, uhm if ya don't like dat skip. I'll make sure to mark it with -, make sure to grab some holy water :).

 I'll make sure to mark it with -, make sure to grab some holy water :)

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A few days had gone by since Barty Crouch's death, and the second task. It was nice weekend and all of Slytherin had gone off to Hogsmead or to a party in the Gryffindor common room, everyone except for you and Draco. You didn't feel like going to Hogsmead or to a pointless party, you where stressed about the last task. You currently sat on Draco's bed, one of his shirts on and no pants. You had a book in your lap, just reading hoping to get your mind off everything. Draco had been in the shower, but you where so focused that you hadn't notice him walk in the room.

"Darling, will you please out the book down and take a break?" Draco said, startling you.

You flinched at the sound of his voice, not expecting him to be there. You looked up and your eyes widened, you nervously chewed on the inside of your cheek. There stood Draco in only a towel, his toned chest glistening with water and a very noticeable V-line. His blomde hair was stuck to his face, and all messed up due to him trying to dry it.

Draco smirked noticing your lingering gaze, and smirked. "Like what you see?" He questioned.

You quickly averted your gaze and looked back at your book, "Bite me." You mumbled.

Draco chuckled "Oh gladly love." He said.

You rolled your eyes and flipped to the next page of advanced charms, you where hoping to learn some charms you could use during the last task. As you where reading one of the spells, Draco snatched the book from your hand.

You glared up at him "Give me my bloody book." You said.

"No." He said in a snarky tone.

You stood pushing yourself off the bed, the long t-shirt that you stole from Draco stopping at your mid thigh. You glared up at him as he held the bool above his head, a cocky smirk on his face. His eyes raked over your body, your stomach filled with butterflies as he stared down at you.

"Awe, look how adorable you are." He said, a smirk still plastered on his face.

You rolled your eyes "Please give me my book?" You asked.

"Baby could please take a break?" Draco asked, "I mean you've been so busy for the past few days you haven't slept much."

You sighed "Fine!" You exclaimed, "Fine...." You grumbled falling back onto the bed.

You heard Draco move around the room a bit, you closed your eyes and sighed deeply. Suddenly you felt the bed dip on either side of you, and you opened your eyes to see Draco hovering over you with a smirk.

bite me (draco malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now