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"Bite me Malfoy."

Nineteen years later ~

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Nineteen years later

"Scorpius! Remus! Minerva!" Y/n called.

Y/n and Draco had three children. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy being their first born son, who was attending his third year at Hogwarts. He had striking blue grey eyes, and platinum blonde hair. Just like Draco. He had Y/n's slight plump lips, and her nose. Along with her personality,.

Then there was Remus and Minerva, the two twins that the two had. Remus James Malfoy had Y/n's matching h/c hair and her amazing e/c eyes. He had Draco's nose, Y/n's lips and lastly Draco's personality. And lastly Minerva Nymphadora Malfoy, or also known as Minnie. Minnie had had Y/n's h/c with one platinum blonde streak in it, she also had had Draco's lips and personality.

After the war Y/n and Draco had gotten married a year after Scorpius was born, Draco and Y/n had paid some people to fix up Godric's hollow so they could live in it. Once it had been fixed up, they moved into it. After the War, Snape decided to step down from headmaster. And give the job to Minerva Mcgonagall. Though Snape had stepped down, Mcgonagall insisted that he became Co-headmaster.

Which he had accepted, life was well. Y/n worked as a teaching assistant at Hogwarts, the main class she helped with being care for magical creatures(which hagrid still taught). But whenever she wasn't at the school, she was at the ministry being a part time auror. The money that the family was earning, was quite a lot. Y/n of course stayed in touch with Kaydence, who had gotten married to some girl named Rebecca, the both of them adopting a little boy.

Y/n also naturally kept in touch with her brother, along with Ron and Hermione(who finally got married). Y/n and Harry each month visited their parents grave, along with the others who where lost in battle. Always leaving flowers. Y/n always cried when she saw all the names, of everyone she loved.

Sirius, Y/n and Harry's godfather. She remembered the first time she had met him, how scared she was. And then when she figured out the truth of what happened, and how he never betrayed their parents.

Remus, who was not only Y/n's old professor. But a man who she thought as another father figure, though they rarely spoke. She wished she had spent more time with him. She'd always make sure to tell her godson how amazing his father was, and how similar the two looked.

Tonks, Remus's wife, and Teddy's mother. Y/n really liked her, loved hee sense of humor. She always remembered how the metamorphmagus managed to make Y/n laugh, even when Y/n felt depressed about everything that was happening. She wished she had gotten to know her more, but she always told Teddy how amazing his mother's humor was. And anything that Y/n had learned about her.

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