🦋❀After Story #3❀🦋: Sub Tamaki

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Date Published: Jan 6, 2021

Word Count: 2.6k+

Note: I didn't reread this nor edited. Lol, anyway, hope this is okay. I'm planning on making another one of SUB TAMAKI. Since I feel this chapter is lacking with it. Lmao



In which you kidnapped him and trapped him in your room.


Click. Click. Click.

The sounds of your heeled boots hitting the ground reverberated in the living room of your house.

Click. Click. Click...

Tamaki's breath hitched. His palms began feeling clammy as his heartbeat ricocheted.

Not out of fear.


He's a hero after all.

But it was rather, because of excitement.

It felt so wrong feeling this way towards his kidnapper while being confined for days in your room for your own pleasure.

Even so, he could not help it.

Tamaki was drunk at that time. Having no knowledge of his alcohol tolerance, being invited to a party by one of his friends, and being surrounded by dozens of heroes, Tamaki let his guard down and got wasted pretty quickly.

He was unaware of your piercing gaze boring holes on his back.

You were there at the party.

Originally, you were there to have fun, blending in with the heroes. And of course, you were invited by one of them. Your friend didn't know you're a villain. Well, a former villain.

Tamaki caught your eyes, even though he only stayed in one place, chugging liquor one after the other with his shy and intimidating posture.

Ever since then, you had your eyes set on him. So when the party ended, you took your action.

Tamaki, being drunk, dulled his senses. You only need to put on an act as a girl who got lost in the city. He, of course, helped you even when he often trips over nothing.

One thing leads to another, you were able to lure him back into your house and locked him up in your room. You're planning on playing with him for a day only- Cause you're done being a villain, and he's a hero nonetheless.

But his adorable expressions whenever you touch him had you begging for more. The way his ears turns red and his eyes nervously darting anywhere whenever you decided to change your clothes right in front of him was hella fun.

And you were obsessed with it.

Click. Click.

Your footsteps stopped right before the door. Tamaki had his eyes on the door the moment you entered the house. He gulped as he watched the doorknob twist.

A second later, the door revealed your figure.

"Oh." You closed the door, your face displaying a genuine expression of curiosity. Tamaki averted your stare, as though you caught him stealing something from you. He was sitting on the bed like a docile child waiting for his mother to come and fetch him.

'He's still here?' You thought. You purposely left the house earlier this morning. You didn't even lock the doors. You left it unattended.

Yet, he's still here, he didn't escape.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now