🦋❀22❀🦋: Little Tama (1)

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The call ended and you spent a few minutes collecting yourself and clearing your thoughts. This will be the first time you'll be away from your friends and boyfriend ever since you arrived in Japan. It was a familiar feeling, you felt this before when you were leaving America.

"Let's go..." You knocked on his door and seconds later, Tamaki opened it. You flash him a smile, hiding the stuffed toy behind you as he beckoned you to come in.

"Aki. Guess what I got?"

"Uh... Takoyaki?"He guessed and you shook your head.

"Nice try, but it's a no."


Your smile got wider as he kept on guessing. His face getting redder as he guessed it wrongly. "B-bunny, I don't know." He gave in and you laughed at how cute he was.

"Alright. Here it is." You held it in front of you, the stuffed toy blocking your head from his view. 


You peeked from behind when he remained silent, "What... What is this?" He asked. You shoved the toy on his chest and stepped forward to close your distance. "It's you, see these pointy ears? Indigo hair? It looks so much like you so I couldn't help but buy it. I'm still thinking of a name for him. I'll call him little Tama for now." You grinned.

 Your eyes going back and forth to his face and to little Tama. He was holding it rather awkwardly so you can't help but squeal at how adorable he was.

"My boyfriend's so cute!" You hugged him, squishing Little Tama in the process. You pinched his cheeks before giving them a peck.

"Bunny... " Tamaki could smell your sweet fragrance, your natural smell plus the scent of your body soap and Shampoo was intoxicating. He was starting to feel hot as you continued on smothering him with kisses.

"Why are you so cute Aki?" His face resembled a ripe tomato by now. "Makes me want to bully you... " You seductively whispered, biting his pointy ear.

"Bunny, wha-what are you doin-" Tamaki moaned when you accidentally brush your knee on his treasure when you lift your leg to close the distance further.


You pulled yourself away from him. You apologized to him, albeit giving him a teasing look. You snatch Little Tama from his grip and lay on his bed. You signal Tamaki to lay beside you, which he did without a second thought.

The futon sank under his weight as he found a comfortable position. You snake your arm around his waist, resting it on his stomach as you nuzzled on his neck. At first, he stiffened but soon enough he pulled you closer. Resting his head on top of yours.



You looked up, meeting his gaze. He noticed your sad expression."What's wrong bunny?" You hesitated for a moment.

"You know about my undercover right?"You began. He nodded, encouraging you to continue. So you told him everything. Especially the part that you have to go to America with Hawk.

The atmosphere was calm and serene as both of you enjoyed each other's warmth. You were reluctant to part with him, just thinking about not seeing him in person, not touching him fill you with dolefulness.

"We won't see each other for a while." You pouted, caressing his cheek with your slender hand, "I'll bring Little Tama with me, since I'll miss you..."

"I'll miss you too..." He mumbled and pressed his head on your chest, this time your head was on top of his. Smelling his scent.

"When will you come back?" He asked.

"Depends. Maybe we'll stay there for two weeks or a month."

Knowing you'd be away from him made him feel displeased. He shouldn't feel this way, this happens to everyone. Especially when you're a hero, you are bound to travel wherever to protect the people.

And it's not like you won't come back. With this thought, Tamaki felt more at ease as he snuggled his face on you. He felt your two soft globes, on his face and he was about to pull away when your arms tightened around him. 

You were busy sniffing his hair and were oblivious to his predicament. Since he moved his head, naturally you leaned even closer, stopping him in the process. Wanting to savour his warmth and scent as much as you could.



"I-i can't bre-"

Your eyes widened, quickly pulling away. You laughed seeing his flushed face. He tried covering his face but you stopped him. "Don't cover your face. I like looking at you."

You laughed, finding his embarrassment funny. You realized that you kind of suffocated him with your breast. " You don't want to feel them anymore?" You wanted to tease him further but when he suddenly lunged at you. Your body bounced at the force. You felt his weight on top of you as he pinned both of your hands using his left hand.

Stupefied, you stiffened. A thought crossed your mind, did you piss him off? Or was your teasing crossed the line? But you just started! "Tamaki?"

"I... I..." He began. You examined his face. Red faced, lidded eyes staring right back at you and ragged breath.

A smirk grazes your lips. You strike back, your intense and sultry gaze clash against his heated ones.

"I want to... taste you, can I?"


You didn't have to use your Succubus Quirk to see the sexual tension in the air. Guess your cuddling session turned into something else...

Little Tama was now forgotten. Lying on the edge of the bed.


[Note: Hi! I've decided to put this book on hold. Since I decided to focus on one book at a time. Online class is drawing near so I want to at least update as much as I could. So I'll be focusing on:

 STABILIZER ││➴𝒯𝑜𝒹𝑜𝓇𝑜𝓀𝒾 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝑜➴

Check it out guys if you have time! I got so much ideas in that book and I created that book first before this. ]

I also have Bakugou's fanfic! STRANGE ADDICTION, which is x oc and rated mature.

[I'll post chapter 23 once I finish it. I already have a draft. That's all!]

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