
3.1K 93 8

Date Published: Oct 27, 2020
Word Count:1.5k+


"Are you s-sure?"

"Positive." You nodded at Tamaki. He placed you down slowly, his indigo orbs running around your body to check whether you're telling the truth because you said you're fine.

But are you? Really?

"Your skin..." He held your arm, gliding his thumb on your wrist as he gently inspected your arm.

It was the same as the time when you got hospitalized after the League of Villain's attack in USJ. Tamaki could see the scale's outline on your skin. This time, it was redder than before. 

"Well. I have to use everything in my arsenal." You grinned, " I gotta make sure I'll survive before the reinforcements come." Your voice sounded cheery in his ears, making him narrow his eyes at you. You're trying to lighten up the situation even though it's futile.

Your breath hitched at the look he's giving you. "I'm fine... Really." You assured him. 

However, you look really pale. Your eyes are slightly out of focus, it's as though your vision would falter every 5 seconds. The blood on your skin was mostly washed away when you dived right into the fountain, but there were still faint smudges, like a red stain. Your lips are pale. 

Honestly, you look like you're going to pass out anytime.


Fat Gum called your name once he saw you beside Tamaki. "I'm so glad you're okay!" 

Tamaki grew a pair of wings on his back earlier to arrived quicker in Kyushu. He left right after they were given permission to help. So when Fat Gum and the others came out of the agency, he was gone. 

You smiled and waved at him while he jogged over with his fat form. "For now..." You said.

You gathered your damp hair on one side to not appear more disheveled in front of them. Tamaki saw your neck and he leaned closer, inspecting it with his hand. 

The villain left a bruise on your slender neck. 

" Does it hurt?" His eyes were laced with gentle concern. The handprint was an ugly sight. Tamaki hates it. The only 'bruise' that's allowed to kiss your skin was his marks. 

It should all come from him. No one else's.

Tamaki realized his thoughts and internally scolded himself. 'what's wrong with me?'

 'what's wrong with me?'

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"A bit." You replied as your (eye color) eyes met his narrowed and hard indigo irises. It was a lie. You could still feel your throat burning and it's painful every time you swallow. It's like having tonsillitis. But much worse.

"Where are the others?" Fat Gum asked after a while.

"Hawks and Endeavor's at the evacuation area, along with the other pro-heroes." You answered.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now