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Date Published: Oct 25, 2020
Word Count: 1.7k+


"Sense them, Fierce Wings. Screams, breaths, clothes rustling, the vibrations people produce..." Hawks concentrated on sending his feathers in the deepest parts of the building, lifting the people's clothes, evacuating all of them, and placing them in a safe place outside the building.

'I can't get everyone in the building out.' He thought. He has to limit himself to the people in the damaged part.

Along the way, you saw some of his feathers and was quick enough to analyze what he was doing. The light bulbs flickered and dust was accumulating in each room, creating a grayish color, obstructing your vision.

 You evaded the furniture coming your way.

You heard whimpers and saw two staff cowering underneath a table. You spun around, searching for Hawks feather and when you saw it, you ruffled your clothes and the feather's direction changed.

 It was now coming at you. You then ducked down, "Excuse me, Ma'am and Sir."

They look up just to see your reassuring smile. You then gently grabbed the feathers and directed it to the two.

When it finally attached itself in their formal attire, you picked up the nearest object. In this case, a chair and threw it as hard as you could on the window, breaking the glass.

"Hawks. Everyone's evacuated on the lower floors." You spoke, knowing he'd be able to sense and make out your words with the vibrations. You've been around with him for long, enough to know how his Quirk works.

"Everything will be alright!" You said at the two before they were carried towards the window you just broke.

You pivoted your heels and went to another floor.

Hawks knew you were inside the building. He clicked his tongue, wanting to tell you to get out, but he knew you'd still continue and search for the rest.

He jumped out of the building.

His majestic wings spread widely and most of his tough feathers detached from his back, like a trained soldier rescuing everyone. In a matter of seconds, the building was emptied.

'Seventy-six people in the damaged part...All evacuated safely!'

You, on the other hand, landed safely too. The scales on your legs vanished after placing down the unconscious woman in your arms. Police officers near the area saw you and immediately helped you carry the woman. "Leave her to us."

"Thank you." You sprinted to the other side quickly. On your hand was a red feather. Hawks intentionally left it on you so that he'd be able to know where you are while the rest of his feathers went back to him.

You tied your hair while running, sticking the feather in the middle section, joining it with your hair tie to keep it in place.

In the sky, Hawks and Endeavor were busy fighting the Nomu.

"Is that the best you've got?!" Hawks shouted, as though he was taunting the number one hero.

"Of course not!" Endeavor raised his fist. "I'll cut it into bits and burn them off!" Endeavor weaved the beams of fire from his fingertips, sending his attack to the Nomu, it slice through the top floors of the building into multiple chunks.

His attack cuts the Nomu to pieces but it wasn't enough to defeat it. Seeing as it was able to regenerate himself over and over.

The huge chunks of rubbles fell on the ground like rain. Hawks lost his balanced due to the strong force of wind from the explosion, sending him on the rooftop of the building, his back landed on the ground of the rooftop painfully.

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