🦋❀9❀🦋: Care for a drink?

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[July, 21, 2020]


"You in?"

You heard Hawk's voice. You were wearing an earpiece. It's very small and it was placed at the back of your ear so no one will find out about it.


You maneuvered your way inside the hotel. 

"Good. Wait a moment, I'll find a better position. I can't see from here." There was an indistinct sound from the other line as Hawk moved. There was another building beside the hotel. Hawk positioned himself in one of the rooms to get a better view. He was using a binocular and you also have one of his feathers.

There was a bar inside the hotel and you positioned yourself on the counter. You ordered a non-alcoholic beverage from the bartender. 


"I'm all set. I can see you from here clearly. Now look to your left, you see that guy wearing a suit?"

"Yep." You answered softly enough for Hawk to hear. 

"He's your target. Get the keys from him. It's up to you how. Impress me."

You rolled your eyes. Your lips pressed softly on the glass.

You rest your chin on your palm and gave a sideways glance at the guy. He was currently talking to another man. Fortunately, he was facing your direction and he caught you looking at her. You gave a shy smile before averting your gaze. As if showing that the glance was an accident. Tss.

You ordered another drink from the bartender. You made sure to smile at your target whenever your eyes and his would cross. Batting your lashes, peeking through your eyelids as you gave a sultry look.

And then, after your last accidental glance. You did not look back anymore. Instead, you keep on talking to the bartender.

"So it tastes better if there's a lemon?" You played with your glass. Swirling the juice.

The bartender nodded and pushed another glass. It was an alcoholic drink. As much as you want to drink it, you still have a mission to carry. Maybe after?

"I'll dr--"

Another hand reached out for the glass before you could. Your fingers graze the glass. You looked behind you to see your target drinking it. 

That's mine!

You swallowed your irritation and smiled at him. He took the vacant seat next to you and ordered another drink for him and you.

"Milady. Care for another drink?"

He did not wait for your reply and gently pushed the glass near your hand. You shrugged  "Thank you."


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