🦋❀4❀🦋: Bite Marks

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"I'll wait for you

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"I'll wait for you. Let's go downstairs together.''He nodded at you and both of you separated. 

He went to his bathroom while you arranged his bed. Tamaki felt sluggish as he closed the bathroom door behind him. He paused to look at his face in the mirror. I'm so red...


You folded his blanket and organized his pillows before sitting down on the edge of his bed.

Tamaki came out of the bathroom after a while. He was wearing his U.A Uniform. He needs to go to the principal's office first later before going back to his agency.

Since they're already in their 3rd year, they are more focused on hero works, internship, and being a sidekick of pro-heroes than in academics.

You uncrossed your legs and put back your phone in your pocket when you saw him came out.

Tamaki saw the bite marks littered on your collarbone when you tilted your head and unintentionally pulled your shirt down a little.

Good thing it was covered with your shirt. But the bite marks on your neck wasn't. It was bright red. Looking fresh. Although your hair covers it, but when your hair sways, it exposes the mark.

"It's showing..." His long fingers gliding over the bite marks he made.

"Oh, I don't want to wear a scarf since its scorching hot outside. I don't have a concealer so I cannot cover it." You said.  "I don't want to cover it too, you worked hard for it." You teased him.

You glanced at his bright red ears and cheeks. He ducked his head shyly on your neck and mumbled, "S-sorry.''

"It's fine." You assured him. You didn't leave a mark on his neck. Unlike you, he doesn't have long hair to cover it.

But you purposely left several bite marks on his chest though. You squinted your eyes when you saw a small red spot on the other side of his neck. On second thought, you did leave him a mark.

But it was small and it looks like he just scratches it. It can be considered as a mosquito bite.


"I've brushed my teeth..." He was looking at the floor while tugging your shirt. Kawai! 

'Then after you brushed your teeth...'

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now