🦋❀24❀🦋: Investigation (1)

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[Aug 22, 2020]
[So I decided to continue this.]
[I added an anime character from HQ. lol I'm thinking of making an HQ x reader story soon. But online class is drawing near! Aug 24 :((   ]


Days passed by. It was time for you to bid your farewell temporarily to them.

After that session, the following days were filled with you, in the agency, and doing advanced homework and activities.

You could only spare an hour of free time to Tamaki since the schedule was hectic and he too had his own work-studies,

"Goodbye!" You waved at your dorm mates, while your other hand was holding your bag.

"I'll miss you!" Nejire shouted, knitting her eyebrows. Her glistening eyes fixated at your leaving figure.

"Take care!"


"I want souvenirs!" Mirio said and chuckled. 

You were finally out of their sight. You get inside the taxi along with Tamaki.

Tamaki insisted on accompanying you until at the airport so you agreed even though he's busy.

You intertwined your fingers with his and rest your head on his shoulder. Basking on his scent that you'll surely miss.

"You'll be late Aki..." You mumbled. The airport ain't that far but he got less than 20 minutes to spare. Although it was okay to be late sometimes, you knew how punctual Tamaki is when it comes to doing his passion and you wouldn't want a smudge in his attendance.

His grip on you tightened, "It's fine. I already informed Fat gum I'll be late for half an hour or so..." He wants to see you off and your heart melted.

At the airport, you immediately saw Hawk, with his Hero costume. He looked up when you called his name. "Kid. You're a minute late."

You only rolled your eyes at him and hugged Tamaki's arms. Tamaki greeted the Pro-Hero with his face going red. You were clinging on him and along with Hawk, the three of you garnered attention.

"Oh, Kid's boyfriend. Nice to meet ya! We'll be boarding soon so I'll go ahead and you tell what you want to tell to your little girlfriend." He grinned, snatch your bag, and left you two alone.

You turned to look at Tamaki. You smiled, " Take care. Let's call each other and keep updated yeah?"

"I will. You take care also... I'll miss you." 

"I'll miss you too." You hugged him one last time and peck his lips. He was caught off guard. He nuzzled his nose on your neck as he inhaled your scent. 

"See you..."

"See you, Tamaki."


" Luna! My child... You're back."

Your mother was the first one you saw after opening the door. Behind her was your father who pats your head as you were engulfed in a tight hug by your mother.

"Are you tired? We cleaned your room already."

"Not really. I also have to go back to Hawk later so I won't rest yet." You answered as you close the door behind. "I miss you guys!" You kissed both their cheeks. Inhaling their familiar scent.

The living room was still the same as it was when you left. The only difference was the color of the wall. It used to be cream, now it's light gray. Giving it an air of modernization.

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