🦋❀27❀🦋: Investigation (4)

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Date: Aug 29, 2020
Word Count: 1.6k+
Note: The pictures here are for visualizations (The style is not exactly the same as to what you are wearing) only you can imagine something else. -

Note: Please read my last note at the bottom.


This is not your first time wearing a swimsuit. But this is your first time wearing it for another purpose.

"I'm not doing this." Face heating up as you check yourself in the mirror. The cloth fits snugly on your frame.

Honestly, it looks really good on you, as though the swimsuit was customized just for you. The color complimented your skin and the design was simple yet beautiful. Though it only covers your private parts, almost exposing all your skin.

Your eyes drifted down to your breast. You began heating up, the bikini top pushed your breasts up further, making it appear bigger and refined. Especially the valley between.

you turned to look at your back in the mirror, your butt cheeks were covered nicely yet you still feel shy. You groaned when you hear Lui calling out for you.

With one last glance, you gathered your courage and opened the door, showing your body to him. Thankfully, Hawk wasn't there nor Tetsuro and the manager. He beckoned you to come closer examining you from head to toe.

"Give me a turn. "

You held your breath and twirled around. "Good. Perfect."

You shyly lift your head as he continued on complimenting you. You then sat on the chair after. "You did not disappoint me. Now let's put on some makeup for you!"

Lui was excited. At first, he was reluctant to the manager's idea when he found out that you didn't have any experience in modeling, and what if the theme won't fit you? But then it all changed when you wore the swimsuit. The way you move your body despite the hesitance in your eyes was graceful.

"Close your eyes."

A moment later. Everything was set.

The lights, background, cameras, clothes, and the staff were all done setting up. Tetsurou calmly trudges to the center, he was only wearing khaki shorts, revealing his toned body. His 6 packs abs were especially eye-catching.

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