🦋❀18❀🦋: Banana

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[I badly want to finish my fanfiction books as soon as I can but my summer class keeps on piling tons of assignments! and soon online class is getting nearer! :(  ]

[Aug 2, 2020]


Tamaki felt his lungs constricted and his heart felt like exploding after he got the dreadful news. He was at his agency when he saw the scene being played on the TV. The villain attack at U.A made it through the TV. His eyes never leaving the screen that was plastered on the ceiling in the lobby area of the Agency. It was the aftermath of the attack.

He remembered you texting him that you'll meet Thirteen at USJ and probably spend your time there until lunch if she's not busy.

His senses dulled, as he took in the news. Just thinking about you getting hurt and lying lifelessly on the ground made his stomach churn.

Some of the reporters got in, fortunate enough to capture the scene before they were ushered out by the police. The scene played in the TV showed the thugs, coming out of the USJ. Some students from Class A-1 on the other side.

Tamaki fished out his phone. Fingers trembling as he hastily looks up for your name. He pressed 'call' and waited for you to answer him. Hoping he'd hear you cheerfully ask him why he was calling and you were okay.

"B-bunny...Pick it up please." 

He dialed your number again as he sprinted to the office where he saw Fatgum talking to someone on the phone. The news had already traveled to all pro-heroes before the attack was aired. 

Seeing the worried look on his sidekick's face, he nodded at him. Giving him permission to go back to school. Tamaki gratefully nodded back.|

When he arrived at the U.A he met Mirio, whom who told him about your condition. You were sent to the hospital right after you fell unconscious. 

Mirio tried on calming Tamaki as he slowly spills out what happened, speaking the right words to his best friend. Knowing how much of a worry-wart he was. 

"She's currently being treated Tamaki. But I assure you she's out of danger now."

"You said she took a few b-blows from a villain who's quirk are almost the s-same as All Might's? "

"Yes, according to the first years." 

His knees almost went weak. Everyone knows how strong All Might was. And you even receive those powerful punch. Those punch that could even destroy a building. His whole body shook, bones rattling in the constant fear of your life.



Tamaki was brought back to reality when he heard you calling out for him. You looked at him from your bed, face twisted in an expression of confusion. He was spacing out and you had called him for more than 5 times.

"Are you okay?" You asked and beckoned him to come closer to you. 

" I was... I was thinking about earlier when I s-saw the news on the TV." He replied. He had finished mixing the pill in the water. Now completely dissolved, he gave the glass to you.

"Thank you." You tilt the glass and place the edge on your lips. Smelling the liquid. Your nose crinkled, it already smells bitter, you don't want to imagine how bitter it would be once you drink it.

You grimaced as you began drinking. You wanted to stop, the bitterness was overwhelming your taste buds. Once the glass was empty, you gave it back to Tamaki. " Do you have candy? It's so bitter I think I'm going to puke." 

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now