🦋❀35❀🦋: Inhibitions and Confusion (4.1)

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Date published: Sept 14, 2020
Word Count: 1.8k

Note: I'll be updating two chapters since I'll be busy this week up until our exams, which is next week by the way.


He holds so much power in your life. That, you knew.

Should you feel scared about it? That, you don't know. 

You have always been a giver. 

But it seems like you had given all of you, even your soul to him. 

That's not good. Your mother would always tell you to leave half for yourself. Because when he disappears from your life, what would happen to you?

"They're finally here!"

"I can't wait to hear them sing."

"Their vocalist's is hot! You saw him right?"

"I know right! He's such a hunk!"

"Have you seen my phone?"

"I'm hungry."

Females flooded inside the bathroom and you reluctantly open the faucet and splashed some cold water on your face. 

You stared at your reflection from the mirror blankly. You don't want to go back. But you don't want to leave them too. In the end, you went out of the bathroom, not sparing the girls inside. Though before you were able to turn to a corner, you heard a few whispering.

"Doesn't she look familiar?"


"The girl who just went out."

"I think I saw her before..."

You were garnering unnecessary attention. You don't like it.

On the other side, Nejire was fuming mad at Tamaki. Her arms were crossed over her chest. Whereas Tamaki wasn't looking at her, not even to Mirio. The tiles looked more interesting so he focused his attention on the floor. He's not ready to answer their questions. Not now. Probably, he'll never be able to.

He saw the pain in your eyes. He knew he had crossed it. It was never his intention to deny you, however, he was overwhelmed at them. He panicked

"Tamaki. Answer me." Nejire said. Her eyes were narrowed, the sparkles were extinguished. This was her plan. To go to the mall, leave you and Tamaki alone to talk since she knew you've been trying your best to approach Tamaki yet the boy kept on building up his barrier. Not wanting you to disturb him, let alone speak to him. That's why she thought up of this!

Her imagination was too different than reality. Supposedly, once the four of you reach the mall and find a nice seat to watch the live band, she'll drag Mirio away and leave the two of you and then order the two of you to not go elsewhere and guard their chairs. Nejire knew you'd take that chance to confront Tamaki.

She was so sure that her plan would work...

And now she felt guilty. If she didn't invite you and thought of this silly idea then this wouldn't happen.  

"I-im sorry Nejire. But I can't tell you." Tamaki finally replied. She noticed how white his knuckles are from clenching his fist too hard. Trying his best to remain silent.

Mirio nudged the fuming girl and signaled her to stop. Tamaki was so out of his character, Mirio noticed this. 

Thankfully, you finally arrived, your face bright as you smiled at Nejire. The pain that she saw from you was gone, making her think that it was just her imagination, that you were hurt. 

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now