🦋❀26❀🦋: Investigation (3)

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Date: Aug 28, 2020
Word Count: 1k+
Note: Please read the last part. I have a new book and if you're interested, do check it out.
Note: Short Update. Sorry 'bout that. And thank you to those who commented, add this book to their reading lists, and voted!

Stay safe!


"It's empty." You stated. 

There was a room at the bottom. It was dirtier than the room upstairs. " I don't think they made those grains here." You added, going back to the stairs. 

The room was empty. There was no furniture or any object.

Hawk scanned the room and grunted in disappointment. He turned to Tetsuro and said, " Let's go back. It's not here, I still got tons of places listed here." 

Both males followed you. When the three of you came out of the room and locked it back, you greedily inhaled the air. 

The room was suffocating, if you had known that it was going to be an unused room, you would have brought a mask. And why didn't they cleaned the room? Even though no one rents it, at least they should sweep the floor or something.

"It's not here, so let's go to the next one!" Hawk enthused. But then he frowned when he remembered something, he looked at Tetsuro and said, " You said you have a photoshoot today?"

Kuroo childishly blinked and then his eyes widened. "I forgot!" He looked at his watch and found out he only has an hour left. He's supposed to be in the company at this time!

Hawk decided to postpone the investigation for today and decided to take Kuroo to his workplace. When they got there, Tetsuro was scolded by a middle-aged woman. 

"I'm so sorry Auntie, It won't happen next time." Tetsuro apologized after a straight 5 minute reprimanding. His Auntie sighed and finally took notice of you and HAwk that was standing awkwardly in a distance. Tetsuro said the photoshoot won't last for more than 3 hours so he's available after and they can continue their investigation. After all, time is valuable.

So you and Hawk agreed and told him that the two of you will wait for him.

"Who are they?" His auntie asked, lowering her tone. 

Tetsuro walked towards the two of you with a smile on his face, "They're my guest Auntie. We're going somewhere after the photo shoot."

Hawk was the first one who introduced himself, making her gaped in surprise. A hero, she's talking to a pro-hero that was ranked in second place in Japan! Her irritation was replaced by happiness and excitement, it's not every day she'd get to meet a pro-hero from another country!

You also introduced yourself as his sidekick after but before she could say something, someone sprinted out of a room. He stopped before her and said, "Manager, Reiyi ( Ray-Yi) can't make it today, her brother was called by the disciplinarian and Reiyi needs to come and see his brother as a guardian. She said it was an emergency." 

"What?!" She exclaimed, " Why didn't she informed us earlier? She's the only female model today!" 

You tugged Hawk's top and whispered when he leaned close to you, " I think we should go out. " You then waved your hand to catch Tetsuro's attention, when he looked at you, you gestured your thumb behind you. As though you were saying that you and Hawk will excuse yourselves. 

He nodded at you and pointed his phone, "I'll text Hawk when I'm done." 

So both decided to go out. "I'm hungry, should we go grab food?" Hawk asked when you and him finally made it out.

"I saw a coffee shop whe--"


You heard someone shouting behind, making you stopped talking. And when you turned around, it was the staff earlier and behind him was Tetsuro's auntie or the Manager.

"Yes?" Hawk asked. Confused.

"Can we asked you for a favor?" The staff said, looking at you. You raised your brow and questioningly shot a glance to Hawk, in which he shrugged. "Favor, for what?"

By the time you asked, the manager finally arrived beside the  staff, " We need a female model and we cannot cancel our photoshoot today since everything's scheduled this week, we cannot fail this schedule since this will cause a domino impact for the next models."

You were still confused but deep inside you, you understood where this is going. 

"Can you please become Kuroo's partner model today?"


"Help me." You whispered to Hawk, but he only gave you a grin. 

"Lighten up. It's not that bad." He said, encouraging you. You were pulled inside the makeup room, right now you were waiting for the makeup artist. He went out to get your clothes.

"I know it's not bad, but I don't want to." You're against the idea of you in a magazine or possibly in a tarpaulin or wherever these photos would go!

You never thought you'd be in this position. Besides, the clothing line's going to reach every possible country. It's international. What if your parents, friends, and even Tamaki will see you? You can't help but feel embarrassed just thinking about it.

"Honey, have some confidence, you're perfect!. The perfect model for this theme. " The Manager who walked in the room said when she saw your troubled expression.

"But... this is my first time, I have no experience, I might ruin the photoshoot." You were worried, Tetsuro was a famous and professional model. You don't want to ruin his work.

"Nonsense. You're going to be okay. " 

You sighed and surrendered. The makeup artist arrived, you tried peeking at the clothes you're going to wear but it was covered. 

The makeup artist looked at your face... Scrutinizing. After a moment, he spoke, "Your skin's very nice." he complimented. 

Even though your Scale Armored Scale makes your skin dry and rough, it was a miracle that your skin stayed soft and smooth. Though you still applied moisturizer from time to time and lotion.


"Call me Lui." He said, and before you could nod, he closed the door and gave you your supposed clothes, and pointed at the dressing room.

"Before we start, please wear the swimsuit first."

"... T-the what?"

"Swimsuit, now go and get changed."

Your jaw dropped. Nope. You're not going to wear a swimsuit! Not on your first day of modeling!


If you have time, check out my Bakugou Katsuki fanfic, I just published it today. 


𝒮𝒯𝑅𝒜𝒩𝒢𝐸 𝒜𝒟𝒟𝐼𝒞𝒯𝐼O𝒩 │ ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ ᴋᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋɪ

"So, If I say Fvck. You get all red and shit?"

"Yes, so refrain from cussing."

"I can't cuss but you can?!"


In which, Sumire is allergic to cussing. And when it acts up, it awakens her sexual desires.

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