🦋❀After Story #5❀🦋: In another Life

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DAte Published: Sept 20, 2021
Word Count: 2k

Hello! I'm back again with another one-shot! And this time, it's about WHAT IF. What if you actually died?

Note: The following pictures are my own artwork. I'm not good at drawing so please don't leave hate comments 🤣 I just want to give you all something to visualize. I tried following the webtoon comic format because one day, I'm planning on publishing my own comic!

Alright then, here's the aftermath of your death.

Play the music for a better reading experience!


🔴 Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you.🔴

"Suneater, you want another serving?" Fat gum asked his partner across the table.

The man in front of him barely touched his food.

"I'm full..." Tamaki answered without looking at him.

Fat gum didn't say anything after. He had grown accustomed to his 'gloomy' demeanor, but the hero in front of him now isn't what he used to be.

Tamaki isolated himself even more after your death.

Fat gum couldn't spot even a fragment of that fidgety and anxious boy whom he met the first time years ago to become his partner.

Tamaki stopped imagining everyone's head like a potato to calm himself. Those times were long gone.

Instead, the way he sees the world changed. Everyone's faces were dark. Their bodies were replaced by a silhouette and the surroundings lost their color.

"I'm going ahead," Tamaki muttered and got up from his seat. He took his unfinished plate along with him.

"Alright. See you tomorrow."Fat gum replied. Tamaki responded with a nod and quietly left the dining hall of the agency.

Fat gum sighed as he watched his retreating figure. Tamaki grew taller and he had more muscles. Fat gum knew Tamaki spent most of his time training. It was his way to keep himself focused because whenever he stops doing anything, he'd subconsciously think of you.

So he trains day and night till he drops. When exhaustion swallows him, that's the only time he'd fall asleep easily because his mind wanders everywhere if he waits for his body to fall asleep.

'He's overworking himself.'Fat Gum thought. A moment later, he also left the agency for his patrol again, this time, without Tamaki.

Tamaki made his way back to his house. He was now a full-fledged hero. He decided to live on his own the moment he was able to save enough money to buy a house and a lot.

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