
3.9K 101 29

Date Published: Oct 25, 2020 [ 12AM]
Word Count: 2k+
Note: I'm so sorry for disappearing like.. more than a week? or 2?

 As promised, I'll be publishing the last arc. But I'm still not done yet with the ending tho. Anyway, here's a mass update. Thank you for your support!

Good morning. 😂


"So...How is it?" Mirio asked.

You tasted the soft white mixture from the bowl, immediately, you stuck out your tongue. " It's salty." 

"...Isn't it supposed to be salty...?" 

"No. The icing is supposed to be sweet, well that depends on what type of cupcake you're going to make, I don't know much about baking but I'm pretty sure an icing doesn't taste like this at all." You pointed at the bowl, dipping your spoon and licking it again. "I haven't tasted a salty icing. This is a first."



Mirio frowned and tried it too. Scooping it with a teaspoon. You laughed as his expression changed, he walked passed you and spat the rest out of his mouth to the sink. "How is this possible?" He asked after washing the saltiness from his mouth with water.

"Beats me." Mumbling under your breath, you positioned yourself next to the eggshells, gathering all of them in one spot. "Do it again. You still have time."

"This will be my third..." Mirio sighed " I'm running out of time!"  Mirio waved the whisk in his hand. The mixture clinging on the metal wires flew in all directions as he continued on reading the recipe book again.

"Ugh. " Nejire wiped the cream off on her uniform carefully. "Mirio, put the whisk down, you're splotching the icing everywhere. The kitchen is messy enough as it is." 

After throwing the eggshells and other wrappers, you peeked over Mirio's shoulder, your eyes landing on the recipe book. "It says a pinch of salt. How many did you put?"

"Oh! I must have used the salt instead of the sugar." Mirio said, realizing what he had done. 

Nejire chuckled, drinking her coffee.

The salt and sugar are both white. Mirio had his eyes on the book while he was busy pouring a couple of sugar on the bowl. Which was actually salt. The container of Salt and Sugar was placed beside each other. No wonder.

Hearing light footsteps, Nejire looked up and saw Tamaki coming into the kitchen. "Morning Tamaki."

"Good morning, Nejire." He sat down on his usual spot and looked over to Mirio and You who were still busy.

"Put the butter on the bowl and beat it until softened." You instructed while you cracked open an egg.  You pushed the other ingredients near Mirio as you continued on cracking another egg, cautiously making sure to not let an eggshell fall into the bowl. 

After you were done, Mirio then added the flour, sugar, salt, eggs under your supervision. "Wait." You muttered and Mirio confusedly looked at you. "Why? Did I make a mistake?"

"Nah." Your eyes fell on the fridge. "Aki." You called out.

"Y-yes?" Tamaki answered, placing down his fork. A bit surprised at your sudden call. 

"Could you please get the milk in the fridge?"

Tamaki stood up, opened the fridge, and gave the milk to you. "Here."

"Thank you."

Tamaki watched Mirio start the oven while you used a hand mixer to make sure the mixture is softened. "What is this all a-about?"

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now