🦋❀28❀🦋: Investigation (5)

3.7K 167 28

Date Published: Sept 2, 2020
Word Count: 1.9k+
Note: OMG Thank you for the votes guys! Seeing that the last chapter got more than 10 votes, I immediately made a new chapter. It's 12:42 AM and I'm still awake cuz of online class, had to complete deadlines. That's all. Stay safe everyone!


"Why is she here?"

Tamaki scrolled down the screen. There are also different pictures but the only thing that registered in his mind was the pictures you're in it.

He zoomed in a particular picture. It was the first shot, where you and Tetsurou looked at each other. You looked really pretty, in it but he could not help but feel weird. Your eyes were filled with passion and it was enchanting but thing was, you weren't looking at him.

All those passion was directed at the unfamiliar man beside you.

You were actually picturing Tamaki instead of Tetsurou at that time, that is why you were able to look at Tetsurou in the eye.


Tamaki held his breath and pursed lips to steel himself against the bitterness he was feeling.

It was too early to think about it. You haven't called yet and he doesn't want to misunderstand anything.

His thumb hovered, halting on a video. It was a bunch of clips from the photoshoot that happened.

In a flash, Tamaki pressed the play button.

His heart pounded against his ribcage in anticipation and nervousness.

The screen turned black and then it started playing, there were faces he doesn't recognize on the screen, the clothes they were wearing were the clothes he saw in the pictures. Tamaki realized that this video was a compilation of all bloopers and some extra clips from each model.

He stood up and plumped himself down onto his chair's cushion. He waited a painful 10 minutes before your face appeared.

His heart soared, by the time the camera focused on you, you were already walking to where it was. You sat to the nearest chair while there was a woman who talked to you. You nodded your head as you listened to her.

The video skipped and the next scene was you looking at the camera. You were actually using it as a mirror since you don't want to go back to the makeup room.

You did not notice that it was recording.

You had wipes on your hand as you slowly erased the foundation on your face. You couldn't wait for Lui to take it off for you.

Tamaki gulped. It's as though you and him are on a video call, the only thing that was missing is that you weren't looking nor talking at him. Your body was close to the camera, showing your face up to your shoulder.

"Good thing Sir Lui left these wipes..." You muttered. Once you're done, your cheeks were slightly reddish due to you being rough as you erase the foundation.

Your skin's condition was good thus when you were bare with makeup--Only the mascara and some highlights-- You looked fresh and lovely and glowing still.

You would blink from time to time, allowing your eyelashes to flutter like the wings of a "Butterfly..." Tamaki whispered.

You looked beautiful.

The camera's quality was really high, making your eyes appear vivid and vibrant

You seemed to bore into him. Your eyes twinkled in a sharp gleam.

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