
4.5K 128 3

Date Published: Sept 1, 2020
Word Count: 1.4k+
Note: Short chapter. I'll be updating tomorrow since I just finished all my assessments so I'm free for a day! 


The door slid closed as you happily waved them goodbye. You spun around and walk to where Tamaki and Fat Gum were waiting. They need to resume patrolling their designated area so they decided to walk you up until the bus station.

On your hand was a big paper bag filled with your sweets. It's too many to the point you'd offer some to the children you've come across to. 

The short journey with them was run through a series of random questions with Fat Gum's occasionally teasing Tamaki for being shy with skinship in public.

You left the agency not knowing you've caught everyone's heart. They hoped you'd come and stop by sometime. 

"This is my stop." You said, smiling at the two. You've arrived at the bus stop. Tamaki gave you the paper bag he was cradling. Halfway through the walk, he offered to carry it. "Thanks."

He nodded. "Be careful on your way back."

"I will."

You noticed Tamaki seldom stutters now.

He's more confident. 

He's changed. 

"Mr. Fat Gum, thank you for your hospitality." You bowed.

"Thank you too. I guess we'll be seeing you in the agency sometime?"

"Of course. I'll visit when I'm free." You replied and gently brush Tamaki's hair.

Your grip loosened on him, fingers brushing softly as you turned your back, but Tamaki doesn't want to part ways with you, yet. "W-wait..."

"Yes?" You asked. Tamaki gave Fat Gum a sideways glance before looking down at your hand that he's unwilling to let go at the moment. 

Fat Gum cleared his throat. " Suneater. Nereid. I'm going to buy something to drink up ahead. I'll go first. " He said, knowing that his partner had something to say to his girlfriend but is too shy to speak up. "Suneater, I'll wait for ya."

"Oh. Okay, Mr. Fat Gum." You replied and peered at your boyfriend. "He's gone now... What is it?" You asked, smiling at how cute he's acting. Still the awkward and shy boy. 

"It's..." Where should he start? He wanted to tell you about the operation, but he doesn't want you to get worried. You might not be able to focus on your work. 

You placed down the paper bag on the bench and lifted his face to meet your eyes. "What is it? Tell me. We promised not to hide anything from each other."

He nodded. Why is he hesitating? You're going to understand him. You deserve to know. Most of the Pro-hero knows about the operation. No doubt, even Hawk knows about it. Sooner or later you'll found out so it's better for you to hear it from him rather than from the others.

"We have a secret operation." He started. You stayed silent as he explained everything from scratch. From the moment the investigation happened, Nighteye's meeting and even the selected students in class 1-A. 

"Wait. So you lost your Quirk for hours...During the accident, there was a man who took out a gun, firing it to the three of you, and you were hit by it. After that, you were no longer able to activate your quirk. That man also had his quirk powered up... By injecting a drug unto himself."

This bad. The Quirk Enhancer hasn't been fully stopped. It has been disseminated long before the factory was destroyed.

Tamaki watched your face carefully. "Yes. Once the result is out, we'll commence our raid." 

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now