
4.6K 150 33

Date Published: Oct 14, 2020 [12 AM]
Word Count: 1.4k+

Note: Read your comments and I realized there's not much smut in this book although I did say half of these contains mature contents... so here it is. Enjoy!

Note: There's still a continuation of this steamy stuff. So see you next chapter!

Note: Warning. The author isn't horny enough. lol.

He loves it when you smile

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He loves it when you smile. Especially if he's the reason behind it. " Though I... I don't mind..." He muttered and lifted his shirt.


"Hm..." Your eyes zeroed on his exposed body.

"Can I have my shirt back...?" Tamaki extended his toned arm, reaching out for his shirt that was on your hand. You stepped back and huffed." Nope. Not yet, I haven't inspected your body thoroughly yet."

Tamaki made a weird expression. You've been looking at him for more than 5 minutes. He doesn't get the idea of your 'thorough inspection.'

You're basically ogling!

After a while, you stretched your legs, closing the distance. With a small movement, you trace his abs. "Hm... No scar..."

He shuddered at your hot breath hitting his skin. Your finger trailing. He was sure you're smirking right now but Tamaki only looked ahead. Afraid you'll see his face.

" Damn..."Your hand went up, your thumb brushing on his nipples. With this brazen act, Tamaki flinched in surprise, moving away from you. "B-bunny!"

Your mouth formed into a small 'o'. " You're quite sensitive in that area. Let me check again." You giggled. However, if you step forward, he steps twice backward.

You frowned at him and crossed your arms.

"Na-uh. Dr. [Last name] is here for check-up. Mr. Amajiki, please seat over there." Your tone was laced with authority. A side Tamaki rarely sees. It unknowingly made him feel...weird.

He reluctantly walked on the edge of the bed, his muscles flexing as he sat down. Hot damn. This adorable yet hot boyfriend of yours will be the death of you.

You stopped before him and bend over, placing your hands on your bended knees. Your sweater hangs loosely with your action, revealing your brassier for him to see.

"Eyes on me Mr. Amajiki."You lifted his chin.

"I-i wasn't looking at y-your bre-breast" Tamaki glanced on the floor.

"I didn't say anything about you looking at my breasts though..." Your lips twitched.

"i-i-i--" He stuttered, unable to form a proper excuse.

"It's fine."You interjected him. Even though the two of you did it, he still acts like a virgin maiden. Ah... His expression never fails to amuse you.

You stood straight, unbuttoning your blouse as you did so. "You can look. You've touched it a lot of times already..."

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now