🦋❀33❀🦋: Inhibition and Confusion (2)

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Date Published: Sept 10, 2020
Word Count: 1.4k


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Tamaki was stunned. He didn't know you've arrived.


Tamaki averted his gaze. You were peering down on him. The fact that you didn't smile nor hugged him and kiss his cheeks made him realize that you weren't happy.

Not that he was surprised at your action. He had this coming.

It was bound to.

"Aki. Look at me." You went down the stairs but you stopped halfway when Tamaki moved away, distancing himself on you. You raised a brow. "Something wrong?"


You stepped down again and he moved away again! 

You narrowed your eyes at him. He wasn't looking at you. "Did I do something wrong?" You asked. He was being mean, to be honest. His actions make you think that he doesn't want to be near you. As though you were carrying a contagious disease.

You brushed off this thought and beamed at him. Mouth curving to your usual smile. Yet it didn't seem to reach your eyes.

Tamaki blinked. It was a fake smile. The one you rarely show.

"I miss you." This time, you were quick enough to embrace him. Feeling his hard chest and your nose on his neck.

You may have been forcing yourself to smile. Faking it, but you truly miss him.

Tamaki stood still. His shoulder tensed. You felt it. A minute pass and he never once uttered a word. He never once returned your gesture.

Something is definitely wrong with him. "Don't you mis--"

"I-i have to go back. I s-still have to go to the agency tomorrow." He pushed you gently, prying your arms away from him. "Goodnight."

He walked past your frozen figure. His strides were long and before you knew it, you were all alone in the hallway.

You stared blankly on the carpeted floor. What was that?

What the hell was that?!

What's wrong with him?

Your chest tightened. You've always been the type of person who doesn't get affected easily in any aspect. Be it with taunting or receiving insults, you don't particularly give a fvck.

But when it comes to the people you treasure. You're sensitive. And You always get emotional when it comes to him.

You harshly glared at the empty hallway before you trudged back to your room. You were no longer hungry. Not with what happened.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now