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Date Published: Oct 25, 2020
Word Count:1.1k+
Note: As usual, I would like to apologize for the typos and grammar errors. AND, all these chapters are first draft and unedited.


"Hey Aki"


"I'm at Kyushu District. Is there anything you like me to buy? I already called Nejire and Mirio. Nejire wants Jasmine Tea so I bought her a box of it. Mirio wants ramen but I'll buy it later since it will get cold and soggy. I also bought Candy Apples for Eri..."

Yesterday, Mirio brought Eri inside the dorm while he informed all of you that he'll be in a temporary absence from the school. You spent your time with the little girl since you find her adorable. Mirio will be one of her guardians.

Since Eri doesn't know how to control her Qurik yet, she can't use it on Mirio until she learns how to activate it. It would take time, until then, she'll be in Mirio's , and the teacher's care. Though you don't mind lending a hand.

"So what's yours?" You had your phone pressed on your left ear while you're holding a paper bag with your right hand. While Hawks talks to Endeavor, your task is to buy a list of chemicals from a specific store in Kyushu. Some of these chemicals are used for the reversal potion and the laboratory ran out of it.

Speaking of reversal potion, if you were to assess its effectiveness then it would be 70-80% The experiment is almost complete. That was last week's result, you don't know if there are changes this week.

You have not visited the laboratory yet. Maybe tomorrow...

"I... There's nothing I like for now... All I want is for you to come back safely and uh.. q-quickly."

You bit your bottom lip, feeling the heat on your cheeks, "Awee~ Tamaki missed me already? But we've seen each other this morning."

You wanted to see his face but you're only calling and he's probably at the street, patrolling.

Doing a video call would hinder him from his work. Anyway, based on his silence, you guessed he was being shy again.

After buying the chemicals, you headed back to the building. The sky was painted with pink, blue, and purple hue. It looks beautiful and you couldn't help but think it's a nice day.

On the other side, Tamaki was walking beside Fat Gum.

"Hey... Aki... I have another song for ya. Hear me out."

"Okay." Tamaki answered. Fat Gum inclined his head, zipping up his orange hood. He's back again with his fat form."Is that Neired?"

Tamaki nodded and press the speaker symbol. Your voice's volume increased, letting Fat Gum hear you sing.

"Tomorrow morning if you wake up, and the sun does not appear, I will be here~"

The wind breeze was cool, soothing their warm body. Your voice was manipulating their energy. "If in the dark we lose sight of love,

Hold my hand, and have no fear cause I~ I will be here~"

Her voice works wonders. I feel like I can scour this entire area again." Fat Gum said. He shoved another takoyaki in his mouth.

"I will be here when you feel like being quiet when you need to speak your mind, I will listen and~

I will be here when the laughter turns to cryin' through the winning, losing and trying we'll be together 'cause I... I will be h--"

"Bunny?" Tamaki uttered, looking at his phone. You suddenly stopped.

"W--wait a moment Aki--- What's that...--" There was an indistinct sound from the other side. "What's going on?" Tamaki asked, a line appeared on his forehead as he pursed his lips.

"I think something's coming this way...Hold on, Ak-- Oh shit." They heard you cuss, your voice sounded distant. There were a loud crash and screams, cutting off your voice.

"Look out!---"

It's as though the phone fell on the ground with a loud crack. Tamaki and Fat Gum heard clamoring and the call ended.


"W-what w-was that?" Tamaki stuttered. He tried calling you again but you're not picking up anymore.


"I think something's coming this way... Hold on Ak-"You stared at the sky, there was a black dot coming closer to the city. It gradually grew larger and when you finally make out what it was, it went zooming through a particular building and crashed on the glass window. " Oh shit."

Your expression hardened. You saw the shards of the glasses falling.

"Look out!--" You shouted at the young boy running towards his mother inside the building. You dashed forward, unknowingly letting go of your paper bag and phone as you extended your hand and leaped to the boy, encasing him with your arms.

Both of you rolled over at the same time those glasses shattered into pieces on the ground. "Are you okay?" You asked the boy whose eyes as wide as saucers. "Y-yes..." His mother came running and engulfed her son's small body. "T-thank you so much!"

"No worries. "You scrambled on your feet, regaining your balance. " All of you should run as far away." You added and looked up just in time you saw the black thing,--that was actually a Nomu-- floating on the air.

His face was emitting dark smoke from Endeavor's attack.

The Nomu's skin was black, and you saw his arms regenerate in a matter of seconds. Just like the Nomu in USJ... You swallowed painfully, knowing the damage he'll cause.

Endeavor was suspended in the air, as though he was flying due to the fire on his soles.

"Y-you didn't think you... c-could kill me with this fire?" The Nomu spoke, flexing his arms and his yellow eyes glowed

The Nomu can talk. Endeavor concluded he's far different than the Nomu's he had encountered and this time, he'll capture it.

'I'll take it alive to get information!'

Endeavor's body was engulfed with his flame, shooting in all directions as he prepared his attack. Five streams of fire came out from his fingertips. "Flashfire fist... Hell Spider!" Beams of fire shot towards the Nomu, but he easily evaded it and launched his own attack.

The Nomu's hand expanded pushing Endeavor backward, crashing him into the building.

By this time, you had your Quirk: blood weaver activated as you help the people on the upper part of the building to evacuate.

The whole building rumbled as Endeavor went all the way through the entire building.

Your blood formed into threads and you expertly manipulated it into a wide net and shot it upwards. The debris falling from the ceiling was caught in it. " Faster! Go down immediately! Run to the fire exit, it's safer." You barked out commands.

When the floor was emptied you jumped through the stairs, keeping yourself steady using the handrail.

Hawks, who's floors away from you used his Quirk: Fierce Wings and manipulate his feathers.

"Hey, hey... come on..." Hawks looked at the room he's in. It was going to collapse soon.

On the outside, several heroes rush up to help. The upper floors of the building coughed out smoke after being sliced through. It slowly slides, threatening to completely fall.

"You've got to be kidding!"

The heroes articulate, looking up from the building.

"It's falling!!"

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now