🦋❀39❀🦋: Inhibitions and Confusion (7)

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Date Published: Sept 19, 2020
Word count:2k+
Note: Sorry if it seemed too rushed or nah, just wanna end this fight arc thingy since this isn't the main reason why I created this book. Lmao. 

Note: All chapters aren't edited.

Note: Can I get more than 10 votes for the next chapter? hihi thankiesss see yaaa

Note: Can I get more than 10 votes for the next chapter? hihi thankiesss see yaaa

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"I'm tired!" Nejire shouted, rotating her neck slowly. She heard a few cracking sounds and she sighed. 

"It took longer than we anticipated. Good thing the investigation was fruitful. We finally found a lead." Mirio said, his face serious.

"Yeah, thank goodness, your Quirk came back Tamaki. I was worried. " Nejire spoke. Tamaki wordlessly nodded. You didn't know about what happened to him. He doesn't want you to worry and the two of you aren't in good terms anyway.

Nejire stretched her arms as the three of them arrived at U.A . She was planning on sleeping in her room as soon as they arrived at the dorm but a commotion broke her out of her reverie.

"What is she doing?"

"It looks like she's going to jump!"

"Isn't that our senpai?"

"Hey, that's Luna senpai!"

Nejire inclined her head to the direction where the other students are pointing. She saw you on the very edge of the rooftop. Your head staring on the ground. You then turned around so that the only thing everyone could see was your back. You were wearing a blue tracksuit.

You spread your arms, and before they know it, you let yourself fall backward. 

Gasps and screams 

"Oh my!"

"She jumped!"

" Save her!"

To some, the students may look dramatic with their reactions, but even with a Quirk, jumping from the rooftop to the ground without anything soft to land on nor equipment to rely on, no one would survive unscathed. That's why, they were worried and everyone sprinted, attempting to catch you.

Without warning, Nejire and Mirio activated their Quirk, Nejire to propel herself towards where you're going to land, Mirio went passed through countless students without delay.

Tamaki's hand morphed into his usual tentacles, a pair of wings sprouted behind his back The moment he saw you falling, he forgot how to breathe. His stomach churned unpleasantly. The only thing on his mind was to save you. Nothing else. 

I tiny of hope flickered in his heart, seeing that he's less than a couple of meters away from you. But it wasn't enough. You were falling far too quickly and his ember of hope died down, his extended tentacles didn't reach you just in time you landed.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now