🦋❀20❀🦋: Stuffed Toy

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[Aug 8, 2020]
[Note: The chapters are all impromptu, so forgive me if there isn't much thought in it. I'm trying my best tho. I usually don't make outlines for my books and just let the words and ideas flow as I type.]


"Ready?" Nejire asked. Her royal blue irises sparkled in excitement.

You nodded at her. "Yeah."

"Okay, then let's g-- wait! I forgot my purse!" Nejire sprinted back to her room as you followed her figure with your eyes.

Thinking it may take a while for her to come back, you trudge to your boyfriend's room. It was still 8 AM and since it's Saturday, Tamaki's probably still sleeping.


You heard your name being called, you looked behind your shoulder seeing a familiar ravenette. He jogged and stopped before you. 

"Hey, need something Taka?"

Taka nodded shyly. "Nejire said she's going to the mall with you... could I ask you for a favor? I can't go out today..."

Taka was one of your classmates and dorm mate. You seldom see him in the lobby of the dorm since he's mostly in his room studying or playing video games. You've interacted with him a couple of times due to some questions concerning academics.

Introvert and gentle. These two words perfectly describe him.

"Yeah sure. What is it?"

"There's this limited controller that was being sold today, if... If you have time, could you buy it for me? Here's my money."

"All right. No worries. I'll buy it for ya." You grinned, taking the money from him. He thanked you and bowed gratefully before going back to his room, saying he's still got an assignment to finish.

You continued on walking.

When you got there, the door was not locked so you invited yourself in.

You saw Tamaki covered in his blanket. His features were much softer in sleep.

The only movement was the slight rise and fall of his chest. Slow, shallow breaths.

Serenity was plastered across his face as he slept.

He looked so adorable to the point that you want to lay there with him under the blanket and cuddle with him. 

Tamaki stirred and soon he opened his eyes, feeling a presence in his room. 

"Hey... Good morning." You smiled warmly at him. Tamaki saw you standing at the edge of the bed. 

You sat near him. He rubbed his eyes as he turns his face away from you, he just woke up and probably looked ugly on his messy bedhead, he thought.

"B-bunny...Good morning." His voice was deeper than usual. Sending chills down your spine.

Seeing your attire, Tamaki tugged on the hem of your blouse, " Where are you going?"

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now