🦋❀10❀🦋: In the mood

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[Anyway, I won't be putting warning when there's a mature scene in the chapter since you already know what's in this book. Tehe~]

[July 22, 2020]

New note: So I'll be replacing the gif I posted here with an anime gif since some of you don't find it pleasing. I wasn't really thinking about how it would make you feel, the only that's on my mind when I put it was for visualization or somethinnnn. (2.10.21)


"You did a great job, kid." Hawk greeted you with a big smile on his face. 


You were able to exit the hotel without being suspicious. You even ordered another drink--the one whom the man drank-- from the bartender before heading out. Leaving a huge tip on the table.

"Where's my phone?" You asked. Hawk pulled out your phone from his pocket and handed it to you. "Here" Both of you decided to go back to the agency. You already removed your wig since you find it very hot and changed your dress, "Let's continue this at the agency." 

"Okay..." You answered and opened your phone. You went through the inbox just to find that Tamaki hasn't replied to you yet. 

You weren't bothered at all so you continued on scrolling until you saw the text Hawk sent to your boyfriend.

💗🍀: What are you doing right now?

You: I'm seducing a guy at the moment, need to steal his keys and infiltrate a room. Talk to you later!😘

After reading the message Hawk sent to your boyfriend, you felt your knees weaken. You face-palmed and glared at the pro hero beside you. You did tell him to tell Tamaki the truth, but the way he worded...

Hawk smiled when he noticed you looking at him."Nani?"

You sighed and shook your head. "Nothing..."

You checked your inbox again, hoping that he hadn't seen it yet.

You bit your bottom lip and made a weird expression.

He left it on read...


It was almost 8 PM when you went back to the dorm. Your footsteps were light as you pranced in the hallway. You were tired and badly wants to take a bath.

When you arrived at your room, you immediately went for a hot shower. Scrubbing your skin till it turned pink. You applied lotion since you're prone to have dry skin after using your scale armor. You also applied a moisturizer on your face and a lip balm on your lips after brushing your teeth. 

After that, you went to the kitchen to drink some water. You stayed there for a while, not knowing what to do when you get inside Tamaki's room.

When you've gathered enough courage you sauntered towards his room and knock twice. The door opened revealing half of his body.

Tamaki was currently answering his assignments when you knocked on the door. He had been sitting on the chair, facing the paper for half an hour now. He would have finished it quickly but when he would start answering, his mind would wander elsewhere. More specifically, to your reply.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now