🦋❀19❀🦋: Incomplete

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[Aug 5, 2020]


You stared at your reflection in the mirror. You were discharge yesterday after your three day stay in the hospital. You never got the chance to continue your session with Tamaki after that since he's also busy and he cannot stay long. You don't want him also to spend his time at the hospital when he'd rather be at his dorm doing his homework.

"I can do my homework here." He answered you when you suggested.

"How about your hero work-studies? You can't stay here." You tried again. Its not like you're in a critical condition and need someone to look after.

"Its not busy in the agency, I can visit you for a few hours every day."

He looked determined to stay with you in the hospital so let him be. During those three days, you recovered fast and was soon discharged. The only thing that haven't healed yet was the red spots on your skin. 

Though it gets lighter as time goes by so weren't worried anymore. After a week or two, it will completely fade.

"Hey kid. Come here for a moment."

You heard hawk calling you. You glance one last time at the mirror before trudging to him. 

Papers scattered on the table as Hawk scribbled something on one of the paper. 

"Here. Read this." He pushed the folder to you in which you took it wordlessly. You opened it and found out it was the result of the grain --that almost looked like powder-- you had stolen. You only took a small amount since you don't want them to be suspicious.

After reading the entire file, you placed it back on the table. "Wow..." You said, almost breathless.

The white grains underwent various experimentation and processes. What made her surprise was the effect on it when consumed. It says it can temporarily enhance the quirk depending on the amount a person takes.

How in the world were they able to create such powerful tool? Is it even possible?!

"Wow indeed. However, we concluded that it is still incomplete. Now that we have proven their illegal activities. Further investigations were set in motion right after the results arrived." Hawk organized the papers on the table and leaned on his leather chair, "and since you were hospitalized I couldn't tell you what happened yet since this is supposed to be a secret operation."

Hawk visited you at your last day in the hospital, bringing you a dozen of cold drink, the one that he offered to you during your undercover. He opened the door without knocking, wearing his grin as he sauntered inside as if he owned the place.

" Yow, Great work kid. As expected from my sidekick." He boasted in which you only rolled your eyes. 

Anyway that was two days ago. You sat on the chair in front of the table as he continued. "Those white grains weren't created in Japan. We are still waiting for our associate to deliver the news. However, one thing is for sure, it was imported. Now we just have to track which country it came from."

"Then after that what should we do?"

He smirked, "We'll personally go to that country."


Feeling fresh, you hummed as you dry your hair with a towel. You then sat on your chair, gathered all your books and pulled out a pen from your bag and started answering the assignments and activities you missed during your time in the hospital.

It took you almost 4 hours to finish everything. You were exhausted. As expected, using your brain to come up with an answer can be tiring especially if you don't have enough motivation in doing so.

By the time you organized your things, there was a knock from the door. You shuffled from your seat and run your fingers through your hair.

You opened the door and saw Nejire standing there in her pjs. She yawned before smiling at you. "Hey, can I come in?"

"Of course." You opened the door wider. She sat on your bed as you closed the door. 

"Why are you still awake? Its almost midnight." You inquired. She looked sleepy and worn out. 

"Mirio and I played video games. We had a bet, loser pays lunch for a week and I lost! I can't believe he's good at car racing. Anyway, I'm not here about that." 

"Oh, then what is it? "

"I'm going to buy a dress in the mall, and I want you to come with me. Tomorrow's weekend, its our free time!" She chimed, wearing her adorable smile. You can't help but smile too. 

"Yeah, sure thing. What time?" You crawled on your bed. Sitting right beside her. 

"Mornin'. Because I have to go to the agency at the afternoon."

"Okay, no problem."

She stood up and hugged you, "Thank you! See ya tomorrow!" She waved at you before stepping out of your room. Her periwinkle hair bounced softly behind her.

You opened your phone right after, sending a message to Tamaki.

💗🍀:  Goodnight Aki! Sleep well!

Tamaki visited you earlier and stayed for an hour before you told him to rest early since you noticed he looked drained. 

You didn't get a reply. Meaning he's already asleep. So you turned of the lights too. Preparing to go to sleep.

Its been a long day. You sighed as you closed your eyes. Hoping that tomorrow is going to be good day.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now