🦋❀5❀🦋: Undercover

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 You giggled then say, "Its okay, Aki. I'm off then." You pat his head affectionately.

"Good bye. Stay safe, everyone!" 

" Sayonara!"


💗🍀: Take care bunny. 

💗🍀:Call me anytime.

💗🍀: Stay safe. 

You: I will. You too 💞

Tamaki had always been timid and shy. On your first 2 months of relationship( In person. Since you were in a Long distance relationship for almost a year with him before you arrived at Japan ). 

 He would get flustered just by looking at you. Barely able to hold eye contact. When you first held hands. His hand wouldn't stop trembling and palm gets all sweaty. He would apologize furiously. Saying you don't have to hold his hands.

He would have a hard time talking to you without stuttering every word and his face turning red. Thankfully, this time he was getting more and more comfortable with you. Though still shy. But that's fine. You like it.

Everything about him. Even the way he dressed. You wondered how he could do it. It was a mystery. A mystery that you don't mind exploring forever.

As you walked on the streets, hands clasped behind your back, you wondered what he was doing right now. But you decided not to bother him. Yet...

" You're 4 minutes and 21 seconds late."

You sat down and gave a deadpanned look to the hero in front of you. You drank the water on the table. Taking big gulps.


Hawk crossed his arms, looking at you. His mouth twitched as you drank his water. "As punishment for being late. Buy me a cake."

"Ha? What's with this sudden punishment? You never did this before."

"People change. Now buy it for me."

"Heh." You stood up and went to the counter to order his food. You don't have any qualms about buying food for him. Because he's mostly the one who pays for your meal whenever the two of you would go on patrol.

"Here. Bon appetite." You placed the plate in front of him. He grinned. "Bon appetite. Where's yours?"

"They're still preparing it." Of course, you're going to eat too. You did say you'll eat once you arrive at the agency. But you didn't go to the agency, instead, Hawk told you to meet him at a coffee shop near the agency.

By the time both of you were done and started the patrolling, the sun had risen.

"Hey, kid."


"I'm going somewhere next, next week. You'll come with me."


"You'll know once we got there. Don't worry, it's not far. I'll just have to talk to someone."You gave a small 'OK' and threw the bottled water in the trash bin. You walked one step behind the pro hero. You like looking at his Red Wings. It looks so pretty and powerful.

While both of you engaged in a heated conversation, his feathers would detach themselves from his wings and fly towards the citizens who needed help. Such as lifting their heavy bags and Helping the elderly cross the street.

Being able to telekinetically control the movements of each feather... Such precise control. It was amazing.

"Thank you!"

A series of Thank You's can be heard. Hawk would pause and smile warmly at them. Giving them a small wave from time to time.

You quietly followed him. He often talks a lot and since your mind would wander everywhere, Hawk would have a one-sided conversation. His laid-back demeanor makes you feel relax. But you're not fooled by his facade.

He may look carefree and jovial, but he's on guard always. Vigilant to his surroundings.

You drew your lower lip between your teeth. Pondering about what he told you earlier at the coffee shop.

In the afternoon, another pro hero would take your job and his job in patrolling. Since you and Hawk are going to do some spying.

" There has been a suspicious activity inside the X Hotel. I want you to investigate it. The top floor is for the VIP's only. That's their 'hideout' don't worry, there's no CCTV since they also want to conceal their identities. Once you get in there. All you need to do is take pictures as evidence."

"What kind of illegal activities?"

"Drugs? We haven't confirmed it yet. That's why we have to inspect first." He said.

" The owner of the hotel is also suspicious. Possibly, he's connected to it. So we cannot ask for his help."

"How did you know about this?"

He smirked. Folded his arms and puffed his chest out. " What do you think?"

You rolled your eyes. Hawk usually acts cocky, nonchalant, and uses a lot of sarcasm.
" Alright. So when will I start?"

"This afternoon."


[July 17, 2020]

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