🦋❀Afterstory #2❀🦋: Villain AU

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Date Published: Dec 4, 2020Word Count: 1.4k+

Note: We lowkey wanna be a villainnnn!!! I'll probably write another one with villain Au. I'm just trying this one but I hope it's good enough! 

Requested by:   Akaashi_bubble_tea

Requested by:   Akaashi_bubble_tea

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Tamaki was sitting on a couch, in Hawks' office. His indigo orbs looked dull and lifeless as he spaced out.

Fat Gum, was also inside, he accompanied his partner. Tamaki looks like he's going to lose himself anytime and Fat Gum's worried about him.

Facing the window, Hawks' large wings obstructed Fat Gum's vision to see the pro-hero's expression.

" I still can't believe this." Hawks mumbled, fist clenched.

The three remained quiet. It has been 2 days since you disappeared leaving only a short note for Tamaki.

"I'm sorry Tamaki. But marrying you was never in our plan. Forget about me."

Tamaki searched for you everywhere. He contacted Mirio and Nejire to help him find you, hoping this is only a prank since you've been pranking him for a while now.

But after a day of searching, Tamaki and the others received bad news. A group of villains was rampaging in X City, what shocked him the most is that, you were there. The reporters caught a sight of you helping the villains.

Tamaki was in denial. But the camera perfectly caught your figure and your face. Covered with those beautiful scales, you had a wide smile on your face as you destroyed the buildings near you.

It was too late for the pro-heroes. When they arrived, you're gone.

Tamaki could never erase the expression on your face when you looked at the camera directly from above.

Your smile was different. Your eyes were shining differently and the way you smirked, it's as though you're saying, ' This is the real me, surprised?'

You had a victory smirk. Like you've won something. And you really did. You won over his heart, the pro-heroes' and citizens' reverence.

Everyone was in uproar. The pro-hero they look up to was actually a villain. 

You were such a good actress. 

Tamaki wanted to see you again. He wanted to know the truth yet he's afraid to know it at the same time.

He was torn and probably needs to prepare himself for the worst first before he'll face you.

But he never thought he'd meet you soon.

Too soon.


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