🦋❀23❀🦋: Little Tama (2)

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The way his eyes lock with yours made you feel excited and nervous at the same time. You squirmed under him as you shyly nodded.

Tamaki rarely shows his bold and dominant side. Seeing him right now, hovering over you. Confidence oozing from him a complete opposite to his behavior seconds ago... Made him hotter in your eyes.

"I want to repay what you did to me... In my room... "

Your eyes widened as he slowly moved further from your face. Face heating up as he realized what he was going to do.

Is he serious?! He can't possibly be thinking... That?

"Aki? What a-are you going to do?"

"I'll make you feel good." His tone was laced with determination and certitude.

Tamaki hooked his middle and pointed finger inside your sweatpants, he stretched his hands inside and swiftly pulled it down. You gasped at the sudden coldness. Your bare legs displayed in front of him. Leaving you with your lace panties. 

You mentally pat yourself for wearing one of your sexy undergarments this time. Making you feel sexy. However you haven't had the chance to immerse yourself in self gratitude when you heard a 'Chi' sound.

You looked down just in time to see his hands morphed back. Claws forming back to his long fingers. He just used his Quirk to pull your undergarment in one motion. A tear was visible and you lamented at the sight.

"Tamaki!?"You cried out, he just tore one of your favorite undergarments!

You were feeling shy under his gaze but due to what he did, you got distracted instead. "I-i couldn't wait. Sorry."

You bit your lips. It was no use getting angry, seeing his regretful face dissipate your annoyance in an instant.

His hand caressed along your legs then teasingly traced the inside of your thighs, dangerously close to your wet region.

You clamp your legs to shield it away from his lustful gaze. It's your first time showing him your private spot. You couldn't help but feel bashful. "Don't look."

His mouth curved upward and your heart swooned. He leaned over you and kissed your lips passionately. "Every part of you is beautiful..."He left wet kisses on your neck down to your collarbone.

His hand spread your legs as he continued attacking your neck and lips alternately.

His hand works his way up, pushing the clothing material upward and exposing your stomach. Then after caressing your waist, his fingers found their way on your pink flower that was already drenched with your fluids.

This is the first time he touched you there. His fingers played with your bud as he ravishes your lips.


Finally, he pulled away and dipped his head on your zone. The moment his tongue touched your aching cavern, a jolt of pleasure attacked you.

You slowly close your eyes as true intoxication takes over your face, your body arc as you let out alluring moans. Encouraging him to go deeper. 

He had an absolutely sinful tongue.

You never thought that this could feel so good. The pleasure was overwhelming you to the point your mouth formed an 'O'

Gasps and moans escaping from your lips.

If this is what a tongue could make you feel... How much more if he fully penetrates you? You'd probably passed out from euphoria.

He spread your legs even wider, allowing him full access to your wet cavern. By now, you were sweating furiously already. Softly swiveling your butt to enable you to adjust your position.

Tamaki tasted you. He was acting as if he was in the middle of a dessert and your cavern was the only source of water. He lapped and licked you. Squeezing your thighs ever so often.

"Bunny... I'll put it in..."

He slid one finger inside you and you shuddered at the feeling. The pleasure intensified and you held on to his hair. You hear a splashing sound as he pushes his finger in and out of you. Your hold tightened, roughly pulling his hair. Tamaki ignored the pain and took it as a sign to keep going.

He sloppily applied what he had accidentally read from an adult novel that he found in the library. Based on your reaction, he was doing great.

"Oohh~ Tamaki!" You shouted as he pushed another finger inside.

He felt his fingers being squelched inside. A flurry of intense pleasure attacking you, moaning at the feeling.

You could only exhale right now and were unable to take a breath in. Your moans grew louder as his pace grew faster.

You looked so sexy biting your lips. Eyes closed and your face flushed. Tamaki groaned at the sight. Your erotic moans turned him on even more.

"I'm c-close! Aaahh! "You were about to orgasm base from your inside that grew deliciously tight. After a few jerks, a raging fluid spurted forth across your flower bud. Coating his fingers and mouth with your secretion.

He licked it all, not wasting a drop as the pleasure from it made you feel limp all over your body. Once he was done, he stood up and grabbed some tissue along with some wet wipes, and cleaned you gently. The scene takes you back when you were cleaning him too after giving him a hand job.

"Are y-you okay?"

He was now back to his usual shy and cute demeanor as he caressed your cheeks. Wiping your sweat with a tissue. He calmed down his raging heart as he looked at your charming face that was still red from the activity.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Aki?" You asked when he stared at you.

"It's just... You're so... So beautiful."

You pouted at him. "Hey, that's not fair, stop flattering me out of nowhere." You melted at his words. Then you kissed his forehead before mumbling, "Thank you."

"Was it o-okay?"

"It was amazing. Where did you learn that?" You raised your eyebrow as you pulled the blanket up to your chest.

Tamaki averted your intense gaze, "I... I read it in a book..."

You blinked, processing his words. "Pfft-"You giggled which made him feel embarrassed. You couldn't imagine him reading a book, his face beet red.

"Stop it."

"Okay... Okay..." You calmed yourself and then your eyes drifted down, noticing the tent on his pants.

"Little Tamaki is still awake... How about I'll... Help you with that?"



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