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Word Count: 1k+
Note: Miruko or Mirko. Both are the same.


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"The crisis has been... Dabi has retreated. The enemy has vanished! I know my voice cannot reach our heroes... But allow me to say this! The Pro-heroes protected us to the last! They risked their very lives and they won! Here stands the new top hero! I want nothing more but to tell him: " Thank you!"

You were back again at the rooftop, your eyes darting on the ground anxiously.

Your necklace was gone. You've been all over the place so you don't know where to start searching.

"Damn it. Where is it." You bit your lips hard. Maybe it got lost in the building? If it was there, then that means there's less than a 10 percent chance for you to find it again.

This was the second time it got lost and you wanted to scold yourself for being careless.

"Kid. Found it?!" Hawks asked from the ground.

"Not y--" something sparkled on the corner of your eye. "Yes! Wait a sec." You shouted back, running to the edge of the rooftop. To where you sat when you tended to your cut. You sighed in relief and wore it quickly.

You swung your legs over the railings, your hand tightly gripping unto it.

You activated your scale armor and covered your legs with scales, deciding to just jump from the rooftop to the ground.

However, before you could, something caught your eyes, up ahead and you went pale.

'Those are...' If you're not mistaken.

And if you were to trust your instinct.


More than 30 people were advancing. They thrashed and destroyed the buildings and objects on their path.

You quickly jumped down from the building, landing loudly on the ground. " What's wrong?" Hawks asked.

Mirko, the rabbit hero looked in the other direction. Her red eyes staring somewhere as her rabbit ears twitched.

"There's another group of villains approaching from the north." You answered. Confirming the small noises of explosion and voices Mirko heard.

Mirko frowned and looked at Hawks and Endeavor. With her incredible strength, she jumped vertically, the force was enough to send her a few meters up.

 There she saw what's happening.


The citizens came rushing towards their saviors but they were momentarily stopped when Hawks raised his hand, gesturing them to stay in their place.

They haven't seen the upcoming villains since they were all focused on the pro-heroes saving them. The villains came out in one direction, a hundred meters away from them.

"The fight is not yet over. I want everyone to continue running to the evacuation area, or better yet further away."

"But the villains had long retreated--" The reporter tried to speak.

"Yes. But another wave is coming. Go! Run!"

The others, still confused couldn't help but stay rooted in their spot. Meanwhile, you made your way to the cameraman and positioned yourself in front of it. " We need reinforcements as soon as possible. We won't be able to hold them off with our state. That's why..." Your eyes peered at the camera, anyone who's watching the news could not help but shiver. "To the heroes near Kyushu District. We need your help--"

As if on cue, screams of horror and fear resounded in the vicinity.

 A horde of people with visible and protruding veins on their right arms was showing. You cussed, recognizing it.

Those veins are the same as Lily's when you injected her a 5 ml of the Quirk Enhancer, her veins began turning violet and blue, visibly showing on her skin. But it wasn't extreme, unlike the villains who are approaching. Which only means they have at least more than 10 ml circulating inside their system.

You cannot imagine the strength they possess now. A sense of dread wash over you and you sprinted to where Hawks, Endeavor, and Mirko.

"How many heroes are here?" You asked. Hawks grimly replied, " Less than 10, half of us are in no condition to fight."

Fear crossed your face. The gears on your mind turning so fast, trying to create a plan to survive this predicament.

Hawks started on commanding the people to run, informing them of the villains. This time, their faces were again painted with fear.

Everyone looked up just in time to see something flying in their direction.

A certain villain's hand grew larger and he began picking up the large boulders from the destroyed building and tossed it towards the evacuation area and to where he had seen a huge crowd.

Mirko hopped, " Luna Ring!" With her leg's strength, she destroyed a few boulders by kicking it simultaneously after performing a cartwheel.

but with her, being the only one against multiple boulders, there's bound to be a handful of it--lucky enough--to pass through her defense.

You noticed Hawks and Endeavor moving into action but you went in front of them. 

"I'll do it." You spoke. For now, it's important to conserve their strength. "Leave this to me."

You positioned yourself at the center of the highway and pulled out Hawks' feather from your hair and made a slice on your arm, without blinking. It was deep enough and long enough for you to lose a large amount of blood.

"Nereid!" Hawks shouted, what you're doing is too dangerous. 'This kid...'

You ignored Hawks warning and continued on manipulating your blood. You had no choice. You have to create a large barrier. The people who are yet to flee gasps at the excessive amount of your blood splashing on the ground.

You exhaled sharply, the pain was making you tear up. The formation process was too slow for your liking, any time now, Mirko won't be able to destroy the large stones since it keeps on coming.

You closed your eyes as you raised your hand up. having no choice in this unpleasant situation, you activated your succubus quirk, awakening it from its slumber.

The Quirk immediately took effect on your body. You can now use your reserved energy. For a split second, a burst of energy exploded inside of you and in no time, a vast dome made out of your blood expanded more than 10 meters. Successfully, putting up a barrier.

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