🦋❀29❀🦋: Investigation (6)

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Date Published: Sept 5, 2020
Word Count: 1.5k+


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A smile grazed your lips as you watch your boyfriend write his report for the agency. He was supposed to do it tomorrow, but now that he's on his study table, seeing your beautiful smile, he felt energized.

You were having fun watching him. Subsconsciously, you blurted out, " I love you."

This made Tamaki freeze in his spot. He lifted his head, and you smiled wider. He blinked and averted his gaze, face heating up once again. " I love yo--"

"Luna! I'm done." 

A voice cut him off. It sounds strangely familiar, Tamaki searched for the guy, yet he could only see your face. You looked up ahead and saw Tetsurou waving at you. 

"Aki, I'll go first." You said. 

Tamaki hesitantly nodded, the video call wasn't that long and he felt disappointed. He wanted to talk to you. His mouth was set in a semi-pout. " Okay, take care bunny."

"You too. And good night!"

Your pretty face was the last thing he saw before the screen turned black.  He wasn't able to say good night since you ended the call.

He sighed and closed his notebook. For some reason, knowing that, that guy's with you every time doesn't feel right. He stood up and laid on his bed, covering his face with his pillow.

He didn't dwell on it too much and after an hour, he feel asleep.

The next day, unbeknown to you, the online world was in uproar. With your sudden presence and charm that caught their attention and hearts, the netizens wanted to see you appear more in another collection.

However, you don't have any idea about it. The following week consists of you, Kuroo, and Hawk visiting places. 

To no avail, the three of you haven't had a single clue nor trace of the illegal activity. 

"Kid. Hold this. I'll check my emails first." Hawk threw a big piece of hard paper at you. The edges has been burned and it looked really old.

You unfolded the map and check it. It turns out, it was a sketch plan, and there was a small paper with rough sketches of a farm..? 

"Is this the next place?"



You folded back the paper and leaned on a rocking chair. You remembered that you seldom call Tamaki this week. 

Twice? Probably. You've been very busy along with the two. The three of you had visited 32 places already, you were beginning to lose hope. Was the intel correct? Or maybe we already found the right place yet we overlook it or something. You don't know anymore.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now